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Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory

Essay Instructions:

Module 2 - SLP


Assignment Overview

Global Customs and Protocol

Technology has made the world seem small and doing business throughout the world is commonplace. Cultural sensitivities are paramount for managers who will engage in international business. This week’s discussion focused on CQ & Culture; here we will apply the concept to multicultural and international workplaces. There are many government, private, and public websites and databases that provide rich information on countries. This is your opportunity to use a company and government resource for research.

Session Long Project 2 Resources

1) Don’t let culture eat your strategy for breakfast (2020)

2) What Is Culture, Anyhow? Values, Customs, and Language (2020)

3) What Are the Key Methods Used to Describe Cultures? (2020)

4) Importance of International Management (2019)

5) Cross-Cultural Assignments (2019)

SLP Assignment

Using the information from the website, provide a brief explanation for each dimension (Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long Term Orientation, and Indulgence). (1/2 page)

Go to Country Insights and select two countries plus the United States and complete the table below. Think about the countries you select and consider the makeup of your local workforce when deciding because you will use the data in a real-world application. NOTE: the countries analyzed here will not be used in other course assignments.

Explain each country’s score for that dimension. Be sure to cite the website but do not use the exact words or quotations. To apply what you have learned, address cultural differences and similarities between employees from the three countries. (1 page)

Using the Defense Language and National Security Education Office‘s culture ready  and/or other resources, research your two countries. Provide information that will assist an American company better understand each country from a cultural perspective. (1-½ pages)

No quotations are permitted in this paper. Each paragraph (except the introduction and conclusion) must contain at least one in-text citation. Since you are engaging in research, be sure to cite and reference the sources in APA format. NOTE: failure to use research with accompanying citations to support content will result in reduced scoring “Level 2-Developing” on the grading rubric. This is a professional paper, not a personal one based on feelings. It must be written in the third person; this means words like “I”, “we”, and “you” are not appropriate.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Use the attached APA-formatted template  to create your submission.

The template is set up in APA 7: double-spacing, font, margins, headings, page breaks, APA help links.

Your submission will include:

University International’s cover page

A paper with APA citations (2- to 3-sentence introduction, 3-page body, 2- to 3-sentence conclusion)

The reference list page in APA format

Develop and reference your sources of information with References Page, In-text Citations, and APA Title Page formatting from the following Guides and Links:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BUS401 SLP 2
Your Name
Trident University International
BUS401 International Business
Due Date
For American businesses considering international expansion, navigating the complex cultural environment of foreign markets is crucial. This analysis delves into these countries’ complex sociocultural and linguistic nuances, assisting American businesses in establishing fruitful international business ventures.
Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions offer a comprehensive framework for interpreting and comprehending the diverse cultures present in our global society (Vogt, 2020). The United States, renowned for its diverse cultures and historical backgrounds, can be further understood through these various dimensions.
Power Distance
This dimension describes the degree to which individuals in organizations and institutions who are less powerful accept and anticipate that authority is distributed unequally. It illuminates how societies handle inequality. It is distinguished from the US by a comparatively short power distance. This increases the demand for inequality justification and the belief in individual equality.
Individualism is the belief that each person should be responsible for their well-being and that of their immediate family. The U.S. values individual rights and freedom. This is clear from the emphasis on personal success and requests throughout the nation's history and policy.
In society, men value achievement, bravery, and financial incentives for success. Countries with high masculinity have gender roles. Thus, the US way of life is marked by a healthy dose of competitiveness and the relentless pursuit of success, with performance and accomplishments as primary yardsticks of advancement.
Uncertainty Avoidance
This dimension reveals how much a culture's members perceive ambiguous circumstances as a threat. The U.S. has a low score, indicating a greater tolerance for ambiguity, change, and varying opinions.
Long-Term Orientation
This dimension describes how the past is connected to the present and future challenges and actions. People in the United States tend to focus more on the here and now, prioritizing rituals, meeting social obligations, and maximizing short-term profits.
Indulgence is a social environment that satisfies fundamental human desires for enjoyment and fun. This dimension places a high value on individual freedom of expression, happiness, and leisure time in the U.S.
Culture Comparisons
When examining power distance, Hofstede’s model reveals intriguing variations and subtleties in the United States, China, and Canada. This aspect of cultural norms addresses the tolerance of unequal distributions of power within societies, which affects institutional frameworks and individual interactions. With a score of 40, the power distance in the US is considered to be low. The core of American values is the conviction that every person is unique and deserving of an equal chance. This philosophy is reflected in the organizational structure, where hierarchies are set up more for efficiency than strict authority (Bright & Cortes, 2019). When the circumstances are right, this encourages a culture where subordinates feel more at ease challenging superiors.
Contrastingly, China receives a much higher rating of 80. This higher rating reflects a society more tolerant of significant power imbalances. Power is rarely contested in these situations, and the division between the various power levels is evident. In essence, hierarchical structures are respected and recognized in China’s cultural and historical context and are frequently seen as necessary for societal stability. As a result, having ambitions above one’s perceived social or organizatio...
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