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Health Plans and Benefits

Essay Instructions:

Go to the United States Department of Labor Website to read “Health Plans and Benefits” at http://www(dot)dol(dot)gov/dol/topic/health-plans/cobra.htm. This Website communicates the current regulations and federal involvement in employee benefits. Navigate the Website to become familiar with its contents. 

Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

1.Describe the major features of this Website and how each feature can be used to monitor employee benefits.

2.Explain how employers could verify that their employee benefits comply with all federal laws by using this resource.

3.Explain how employees would use this information to ensure their benefits rights are protected.

4.Create an outline of the Website so that you could orient others to its usefulness for regulatory compliance.

•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. ******Please include the questions with your answers*******

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

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HRM 533 #4
HRM 533 #4
Question1: Describe the major features of this Website and how each feature can be used to monitor employee benefits.
The United States Department of Labor Website is a comprehensive resource on "Health Plans and Benefits" that provides important information on numerous topics related to health offering a holistic approach on health issues that require to be addressed ranging from child care, mental health benefits, womens’ health, health benefits education, health plans consumer information, fiduciary responsibilities, and health coverage portability among others. The website links allows accessing all these information through the "Continuation of Health Coverage" as elaborated by the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). This site is an important resource that only provides United States numerous government pages with information of crucial topics but also designed to provide user friendly services while at the same time offering valuable information to its users (United States Department of Labor, 2015).
The website provides the current federal laws and regulations pertaining employee benefits communicating all the up to date regulations and laws relevant in the provision and protection of employee benefits. This ranges from those working, retired, disable, and job seekers to ensure employee benefits are effectively monitored. The site provides important information to employers to ensure compliance to the established guidelines that provide insight to issues related to employment, employers, and employees. The main features that allow easy monitoring of employee benefits include the provision of topics that provide important resources to make people understand their rights as well as what is expected of them in their individual capacities. Monitoring of employees benefits is well captured in different circumstances for instance in case of job loss whether voluntary or involuntary, divorce, death, and changes in jobs. The information enables employees gain a deeper understanding and monitor their benefits as they relate to their current situations and the current federal and state regulations in the United States (United States Department of Labor, 2015). Employees can also monitor the viability of the enrolment in different health insurance covers and group health programs that best suits their personal needs and those of their significant others. Employees are also able to monitor their benefits offer by their respective employers and establish whether they are in accordance with the federal laws and regulations at any given time. This website is a critical resource for United States citizens as well as aliens authorized to work in the United States in monitoring of their health benefits through the vast resources provided in the United States Department of Labor website providing up to date information on employees health benefits among other relevant resources related to federal and state laws of the United States.
Question 2: Explain how employers could verify that their employee benefits comply with all federal laws by using this resource.
The United States Department of labor Website provides information about employee benefits as stipulated by the federal laws. The website provides a summary of all the major laws that are contained in the department of labor. These federal laws are applicable to employees, retired individuals, job seekers, contractors, and businesses among others. The US Department of labor contains over 180 federal laws which is mandated to administer as well as ensure their enforcement. They are aimed at covering several workplace operations for almost 125 million employers and approximately 10 million employers in the United States. The federal laws are developed and outlined in the Department of Labor Website in order to inform and create awareness of the major laws governing labor activities.
The website provides important links such as the "Employment Laws Assistance" which offers a list of chosen United States Department of labor federal laws and regulations that lead to access to compliance help guidelines. This link comprehensively provides compliance information with the existing laws on employment. Additionally, the Fair Labour Standards Act(FLSA) is also include in the main body of the website on the main federal laws and offers a prescription on the expected standards related to wages and overtime payment which is common employments either privately of in the public sector (United States Department of Labor, 2015). The information stipulates what is expected of employers in terms of meeting the wage payment obligations to their employees a...
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