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Dream Job at Google

Essay Instructions:

Compensation Plan

Select a company for which you would like to work, and devise a compensation plan that takes the following concerns into account

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

1.Briefly describe your “dream job” with an organization for which you would like to work.

2.Create a rewards and compensation package for this position that would both attract skilled workers (you) yet control costs.

3.Create a benefits package for this position that is competitive yet advantageous to the company.

4.Assess how negotiating and collective bargaining with this specific position in mind would contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.

5.Use at least five (8) quality academic resources in this assignment ***that are not older than 5 years*****Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource

.•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. *****Include the questions in the paper********

•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

HRM 534#4
Professor’s Name:
Business and Marketing
HRM 534#4
Dream Job at Google
Software engineers at Google develop new technologies that will change how people interact, access, and use information in the world. The information that gets into the website needs ideas from area of computer science, machine learning, distributed computing, networking, security, user-interface design, artificial intelligence, information retrieval, large-scale system design, data compression, and natural language processing. This is the work of software engineers where they work on a small team, switch teams, and projects as the pace of the business evolves and grows. The engineers are then versatile and eager to take on new problems as they continue to push technology forward CITATION BDS07 \l 1033 (Singh, 2007).
Since software engineers are the brain behind Google, they are the best-paid employees at the company. For example, software engineering interns at Google make a good amount of money compared to marketing staff and sales. They are also among the highly paid interns in technology. They have a salary of $82, 490. Regular software engineers are Google’s bread and butter. They ensure that they crunch out codes for Google’s products such as search and Android. They earn a salary of $103, 436.
Google also employs engineers to research on new projects, which might turn into useful projects for the company in future. They are the brains behind the Google Glass project. They earn a salary of $116, 592. The highest paid job is the senior software engineer. Software engineers make most money in the company and they make double the income of interns. Their salary is $139, 085. Positions at the company range from intern to senior software engineer. Therefore, Google is the place to work for smart people in computer science.
Most projects at the company have timeframes of six to twelve months. They aim to deliver and iterate results quickly. Therefore, small teams take on engineering and research projects on such a rapid schedule. However, some longer term or higher risk projects require groups that work with a certain kind of isolation but they encourage easy and free flow of information in the company. The engineers at the company move between projects based on new opportunities and shifting interests. It is common that a software engineer can work on different areas such as search, core networking, maps, and Gmail. It enables working with different people, constantly learning, and finding new challenges.
The challenges arise with a big amount of data and sheer scale of systems that the company builds. These vast amounts of data rise from back for major products such as search algorithms, machine learning, system infrastructure, and programming languages. In addition, the company encourages researchers and engineers to publish in scientific publications, professional magazines, industry forums, and standard bodies. The company has a strong culture for releasing code as open source and getting its approval in days. In the overall, Google is a fun company to work where one meets amazing and driven people since the company is very light on management. Its key players such as software engineers daily innovate and have the chance to make big contributions to the company. It has the best reimbursements and perks in the industry.
Rewards and Compensation
The normal salary of a software engineer at Google ranges from $86, 800 to $227, 650 where the average salary is $127,700. Google software employees submit these salary estimates anonymously to Glassdoor. The salary is 41% above the national average salary where the base salary is $127, 700 and total compensation is $167,400 CITATION Mat12 \l 1033 (Lynley, 2012). Additional compensation comes from a car bonus of $27, 164, a stock bonus of $51,720, Profit sharing of $16,053, commission sharing of $1,100, and tips of $935.
Senior software engineers get a total compensation of $210,800 where it ranges from $80,000 to $630,000. Their average salary is $149,750, average cash bonus of $32,000, and average stock bonus of $49,300. Google is among top twenty-five companies that pay their employees very well especially engineers. Engineering talent is very scarce and therefore, the company is willing to pay them well to retain them.
According to Great Place to Work Institute and Fortune Magazine, Google is the best place to work in as of 2014. The company constantly finds new ways to motivate its employees for maximum output. It is leading in restructure management where employees streamline their creative ideas that produce outstanding products. The company has a bright workforce that serves a million people around the world. It is able to indulge its employees but it can extract outstanding ideas and skills form them. Therefore, it provides reimbursements and perks that motivate and retain its employees. Its motivation strategies are people-oriented. It has a culture that mirrors its philosophy that dictates it to create the most productive and happy workplace in the world.
The reward system enables it to allow its employees a chance of feedback twice a year. It puts this level of trust on its employees to empower them and motivate them. The company provides a relaxed environment where group thinking and teamwork elevates. This is critical to invent the next product that could change the world. It embraces individual entrepreneur groups and shuns a micromanaged environment.
It offers its employees extrinsic benefits such as dental benefits, no-cost health care, tuition reimbursements, 401k plans, vacation packages, flex spending accounts, and insurance. In addition, they have a $5000 legal expense for its employees. It has take-out benefits that involve Google Adoption Assistance that provides financial help for the adoption of a child CITATION Kev \l 1033 (D'Onfro, 2014). Take-out benefits include maternity benefits that have a hundred percent pay for a maximum of eighteen months, a maximum of $500 for meals for three months, and the parents of the baby spend time with their newborn child.
The company also provides dry cleaning centers, hair stylists, onsite doctors, free fitness centers, facilities for laundry, therapies, on sire car washes, massage, gyms, and oil changes especially at the headquarters. Employees can show up at work at any time, wear anything, and they can go with their pets. They can eat at the centers free and enjoy free snacks at the center CITATION Coo14 \l 1033 (Cook, 2014). This environment provides a psychological benefit by helping employees to be more creative, committed, and more productive. Its methodology seeks to avoid monolithic hierarchies that distract and stifle creative ideas.
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