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Thomas Edison State University: Global Leadership Paper

Essay Instructions:

History is made by the victors; so is leadership history. You have read about globalization. From what you have learned, globalization has given rise to both opportunities and challenges to leadership. In this essay, you will synthesize your understanding of leadership and apply this to the global environment. First, formulate a definition of globalization. Second, formulate your definition of leadership. Based on these two definitions, offer a leadership theory that will impact (positively and negatively) the changing, evolving, and dynamic global environment, including leadership challenges, characteristics, style, and traits. Support your claims with research sources.
Required Textbooks
• Bartlett, Christopher, and Beamish, Paul (2011). Transnational management: Text, cases, and readings in cross border management (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishers. 
ISBN: 978-0078137112
• Martin, J. & Chaney, L. (2012). Global business etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
ISBN: 978-0313397172
Hertel, S. (Fall 2003). The private side of global governance. Journal of International Affairs , 57(1),
[Available through ProQuest. Access through the myEdison portal.]
● Yip, G., Johansson, J., & Roos, J. (Oct 1997). Effects of nationality on global strategy. Management
International Review , 37(4), pp.365385.
[Available through ProQuest. Access through the myEdison portal.]

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Global Leadership
Institution: Thomas Edison State University
First, formulate a definition of globalization. Second, formulate your definition of leadership. Based on these two definitions, offer a leadership theory that will impact (positively and negatively) the changing, evolving, and dynamic global environment, including leadership challenges, characteristics, style, and traits. Support your claims with research sources.
Globalization is the increased integration and interconnectedness of the world economies, increased interaction of people, and movement of people across borders and knowledge transfer on a global scale. Globalization has increased international migration and diversity of the workforce, as well as the reliance of communication technology. Transformative and charismatic leaders are well placed to manage diversity and implement global strategies. Leadership is the ability to influence followers, motivate them to enable them to improve effectiveness in organizations. Even as the workforce is diverse, having shared leadership beliefs and workplace values makes it easier to work together. There are universal attributes that enhance and inhibit effective global leadership.
Companies can use strategies that are standardized, globally integrated or once more suited to specific countries. Leaders have to take into consideration how the internalization strategy differences in diverse countries where companies operate (Yip et al., 1997). The management may decide to concentrate activities in particular offices, but increasingly the regional management functions are separated, while there could be differences in strategies depending on the working culture of the home countries. As such, leaders ought to think globally, even as they acknowledge cultural diversity. In any case, global strategies require integration of diverse policies and operations, and the multinationals have workers from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Globalization has necessitated interaction and emphasis on consultations and in the workplace. This is synonymous with focus on stakeholder interest rather than merely the shareholders interests. Managers and leaders have to be cognizant on how organizations or operations affect the stakeholders including the employees, shareholders, consumers and the communities (Hertel, 2003). Decision making on global issues involves more actors, unlike before, and as companies address various stakeholder interests, they are more likely to respect differences and deal with exploitative practices. In turn, effective leaders recognize the positive changes and bring together the diverse global workforce to achieve the shared objectives.
The transformational and charismatic theory of leadership is applicable in globalization, as leaders meet the needs of followers and are dependable. In the era of globalization, people from different cultures and backgrounds interact more than ever before. The trustworthy leader is able to instill positive values regardless of where they are wo...
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