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Organizational Framework Paper: Organization Structure

Essay Instructions:

Based upon the readings, you have reviewed strategies and identified the organizational structures needed for success in expanding globally. You are asked to summarize your thinking on this subject in a paper. Specifically your essay should consider including the following suggested topics: 
•Strategic imperatives to the organizational capabilities 
•Organizational structures and systems that need to be in place 
•Implications of the three traditional strategic approaches as compared with the three organizational models offered
Required Textbooks
• Bartlett, Christopher, and Beamish, Paul (2011). Transnational management: Text, cases, and readings in cross border management (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill Irwin Publishers. 
ISBN: 978-0078137112 (chapters 4, 5, and 6 in Transnational Management (6th ed.) 
• Martin, J. & Chaney, L. (2012). Global business etiquette: A guide to international communication and customs (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.
ISBN: 978-0313397172 (Chapters 3, 4, and 5 in Global Business Etiquette (2nd ed.)
•Ives, B., Jarvenpaa, S., & Mason, R. (March 1993). Global business drivers: aligning information technology to global business strategy. IBM Systems Journal, 32(1), pp.143-161. 
[Available through ProQuest. Access through the myEdison portal.
•Chen, Y. (2008). International Dual Listing: An Analytical Framework Based on Corporate Governance Theory. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 12(2), 187-194. 
[Request through Interlibrary Loan through the New Jersey State Library.]
•Basu, R., & Wright, N. (Dec 1996). Measuring performance against world class standards. IIE Solutions, 28(12), pp.32-35
[Available through EBSCOhost. Access through the myEdison portal.]
•Trent, R. J., & Monczka, R. M. (Fall 2005). Achieving excellence in global sourcing. MIT Sloan Management Review, 47(1), pp.24-32. 
[Available through the New Jersey State Library.]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organization Structure
Organization Structure
In a global market that is constantly growing, business leaders need to make sure that they have the right edge to compete comparatively and even better. However, this means that they need to have quality and creative strategies to make sure that they rise and stay ahead of the competition (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). Unlike the local markets, the global markets are highly competitive and dynamic as the market forces externally constantly change (Vashistha, 2010).
There are a number of imperatives that every other business leader needs to consider, especially with reference to enhancing their organization capabilities. One of the imperatives that business leaders in the global markets have to implements cultural competence (Vashistha, 2010). Ideally, as globalization takes on the global markets, more companies are going to invest in places other than their mother countries. At the same time, most of the staff will have an element of international status (Bartlett & Beamish, 2011). Positions at the company are no long open to just the locals, however, they are also open to international experts in the field from different countries across the world (The Boston Consulting Group, 2016). By integrating cultural competence in the organizational culture, the leaders are bound to forge a winning capability that traverses the demographics of any market globally.
One other imperative that leaders have to implement relate to talent pool management. As mentioned above, there is a now a large market for employers and employees to work with in terms of the job market. Relative to the dynamicity of the global market, companies have to constantly employ the best talent in the market and enhance the ones that they have in their pool (Writing, 2016). With a global presence, companies have access to the best in the industry and should strive to maintain the best talent in the industry through continuous training and bringing on board fresh employees.
One other imperative is related to integrating technology with the business processes. In the age of technological advances, most of the processes have been automated and highly rely on technology. Research, production, marketing and even sales among others, rely heavily on technology. In the global market, technology plays a vital role in increasing the level of efficiency.
In light of the organizational structure, traditionally most of the organizations have adopted complex systems that were largely delineating. This is relative to the notion associated with power and influence of the various positions in a company. However, as much of the research indicates most of the companies have adopted a flat organizational approach (Distelzweig, 2016). This is due to the ease with which they are able to make decisions and better improve the level of efficiency between the different offices. In the international market, there are quite number processes that are involved in carrying out business practices that would be considered normal in a local market. In an example, marketing in a local...
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