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Global Environmental Issues and Climate Change

Essay Instructions:

The Unit VII Lesson presented several areas of concern related to globalization, including:

climate change and global environmental issues,

differing global labor standards,

working in countries with known human rights issues, and

respecting cultural diversity and host country values, norms and customs.

For this final assignment, you will write a scholarly paper in which you examine how and why these areas of concern should be handled or addressed through the application of ethical principles and corporate social responsibility. You will present a distinct example to illustrate each of the four areas of concern.

You must begin by conducting your own research into the four areas of concern listed above. You may use the Columbia Southern University (CSU) Online Library and/or internet resources to collect information and content. Ensure your resources are peer-reviewed, academic in nature, or from professional sources. Blogs and wikis are not acceptable research sources. Consider the following keywords to begin your search:

international child labor

globalization and human rights

international working standards and conditions

global environmental issues; climate change

global outsourcing

globalization and cultural diversity

As you research each of the four issues, you must locate and identify specific cases in the literature of real businesses or companies that have faced these issues in their global business. Your examples can be cases in which they did - or did not - deal with the issue in an effective and ethical manner.

You will then write a scholarly paper that presents your findings and demonstrates your synthesis of the business ethics corporate social responsibility concepts covered in this course. You must address the following in your paper.

Begin with an introduction that clearly presents the thesis and roadmap of your paper. Why are these issues a concern for globalizing businesses?

Examine each of the four globalization issues identified above.

Summarize each issue and explain how it can affect global business interactions and/or performance. Consider the impacts not only on the business, but also on the host country and their workers.

Illustrate each issue by presenting at least one real-life example of a company that has faced that particular issue. Your discussion should reveal insightful analysis of your research while integrating critical and logical details from your sources.

Critique how the issue was handled. What was done well? What could have been done differently in a more ethical and responsible approach? What was lost or gained in the example?

Conclude your paper with a summary that answers the following questions:

What is the importance of understanding these issues when a business decides to go global?

How do ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility impact more than a company’s bottom line?

Your paper must be a minimum of four, but no more than five pages in length. The title and reference pages do not count toward this requirement.

You must utilize at least one distinct external resource in your analysis of each of the four issues, for a minimum of four resources. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations, introduction, and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
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Course Name
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Businesses now face several challenges due to globalization, notably ethical and environmental issues. Globalization has greatly impacted the economy, ecosystems, and society in the past decade. Along with other challenging issues like the exploitation of employees and the destruction of the environment, globalization also brings about concerns with legal compliance. The study will examine global environmental issues and climate change, distinct international labor standards, operating in nations with identifiable human rights issues, and respecting cultural diversity as areas of concern that businesses should address through applying ethical principles and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Global Environmental Issues and Climate Change
Businesses must solve one of the most critical issues currently: climate change. Businesses may contribute to the reduction of emissions and the promotion of sustainability during the manufacture and distribution of goods and services, which have a substantial influence on the environment. Businesses might, for instance, spend money on renewable energy sources, produce improved and efficient goods and processes, and cut waste (Mandal, 2022). Businesses and industries that have benefited financially from the highest release of greenhouse gases must lessen the effects of climate change on those impacted, especially the most vulnerable nations and societies, which are frequently the ones that have released the smallest amounts to the crisis.
Distinct International Labor Standards
Businesses operating in multiple nations must know the various labor standards, laws, and requirements since they vary from nation to nation. In other nations, workers might not receive a living wage, put in excessively long hours, or face discrimination (Römer et al., 2022). Businesses must guarantee that workers are treated properly and that their working environments are secure. Humans' hopes for employment are revived by decent labor. It combines increased opportunities for social integration, safety at work, and social security for families with access to rewarding and fairly compensated employment. A Worldwide campaign is required to realize the goal of decent work in the global marketplace.
Operating in Nations with Identifiable Human Rights Issues
Human rights concerns have gained significance as the nature and scope of business have changed. Distinct players have distinct roles, and business needs to understand the modern causes that have elevated human rights to the level of corporate concern. Due to increased private investment, businesses operate in previously untapped international markets. In certain cases, these nations have poor standing in protecting human rights, or the state's ability to do so is constrained. In these situations, industry plays a particularly significant role in upholding and protecting human rights (Deva, 2020). Businesses operating in nations with a poor reputation for upholding human rights must avoid supporting abuses of these rights. Businesses should not, for instance, use forced labor child labor, or engage in bribery or corruption. Corporations should be mindful of the risks of human abuse and exploitation.
Respecting Cultural Diversity
Expanding to a global stage necessitates operating effectively while being aware of and appreciative of the unique traits integrated into multicultural communication. In an atmosphere that is constantly evolving, it is essential. The local culture has a big influence. It impacts every part of company operations, particularly how contracts are enforced, how employees are managed, and how risk management is implemented (Bonvillian & Nowlin, 2019). Therefore, success in international business depends on a thorough awareness of regional business practices. Businesses operating in different cultural contexts must be mindful of the local norms, values, and beliefs. Businesses should not, for instance, advertise goods or services that the community deems offensive. Businesses should be aware of the many standards for professional conduct. For instance, giving presents to business partners may be traditional in some cultures but may be considered bribery in others. To effectively adapt their ...
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