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Gender Discrimination Impact

Essay Instructions:

Deliverable 2: Prepare an outline of your paper;[Based on the comments on the first deliverable a detailed written outline of the paper] [2-4 typed pages]

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Outline of How Gender Discrimination Impacts a Company’s Credit and Social Performance
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Outline of How Gender Discrimination Impacts a Company’s Credit and Social Performance
A. Attention Getter: In some cases, individuals feel mistreated depending on their gender.
B. Statement of Purpose: Gender discrimination involves treating or handling people unfairly or differently based on their sexes instead of their skills and capabilities.
C. Research Credibility: Some firms prefer hiring male or female leaders in specific leadership positions, which is a form of gender discrimination. A company’s credit status entails the likelihood of whether it can meet its financial obligations or not. Additionally, a firm’s social performance refers to the outcomes, principles, and practices that determine how a company relates to other institutions, people, societies, communities, and organizations (Wood, 2016).
D. Thesis Statement: Gender discrimination significantly impacts a company’s credit and social performance.
Paragraph 1
A. Topic Sentence: Andres et al. (2020) depict that the availability and accessibility of funds are significant in creating, growing, developing, surviving, and expanding a firm (Andres et al., 2020).
B. Supporting Arguments:
In most cases, gender discrimination limits the productivity and profitability of a company.
Employees are discriminated against when mistreated or oppressed not because of their capabilities and skills but due to their gender.
For example, one form of gender discrimination is sexual harassment in the workplace.
Workers who feel as if they are discriminated against based on their sex become unsatisfied with their work, demotivated, and have a high likelihood of searching for jobs in other companies where they feel respected. Their effort was appreciated (Andres et al., 2020).
Moneylenders prioritize a firm’s financial position before giving out loans.
In that light, due to the poor performance of companies that practice gender discrimination, they encounter challenges in accessing credit.
C. Concluding Remarks: Gender discrimination can cause a firm to close its operations if the productivity levels fall beyond the recovery threshold in such a way that lenders cannot risk giving out loans.
Paragraph 2
A. Topic Sentence: Gender discrimination has significant impacts on a firm’s social performance.
B. Supporting Arguments:
A firm's success is based on the organizational culture, behaviors, policies, principles, norms, and beliefs set by the management team for employees to follow.
Specifically, social performance significantly determines how a firm relates to other institutions, surroundings, communities, people, and society.
Gender discrimination is a significant issue since it disrupts the functioning of a company and how it interacts with others.
For example, it becomes challenging for a firm to remain profitable, interact with individuals, and preserve the environment (Dani et al., 2019).
Gender discrimination can be the...
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