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Leadership and Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Benchmark - Self-Assessment and Reflection


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Start Date

Jul 22, 2021 12:00 AM

Due Date

Jul 28, 2021 11:59 PM




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Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a variety of self-assessments to learn more about yourself and identify your assets and weaknesses as a leader. This will assist you in discovering how you can improve your own self-leadership skills.

To begin, explore the conscious capitalism resources provided and conduct additional research on the principle of conscious leadership.

You will also utilize the data gathered from the following self-assessments provided in the topic Resources:

"The VARK Questionnaire"

"Cultural Competency Self-Assessment"

"Rokeach Values Survey"

Write a reflection of 1,000-1,250 words in which you discuss the following:

Explain the characteristics of conscious leadership as defined by Mackey and Sisodia. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

Choose two historical management theories and explain their influence on the field of organizational behavior. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

Describe the importance of self-awareness, self-concept, and emotional intelligence and the role they play in enabling effective conscious leadership and effective self-leadership. Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

Briefly summarize the results of each assessment you completed: "The VARK Questionnaire," "Cultural Competency Self-Assessment," and "Rokeach Values Survey," provided in the topic Resources. In general, do you believe the results represent who you are as a leader? How will the results inspire you to be a conscious leader? Explain.

Briefly, conduct a self-reflection in which you answer the following questions: (a) What insights have you gained about yourself after taking the assessments? (b) How could this knowledge influence your values, attitude toward others, and how you approach new tasks in the workplace? (c) What have you learned about what it takes to lead others or how you respond to the management tactics of others within the workplace? (d) What have you learned about your ability to lead others within the workplace?

Explain the value of analyzing organizational behavior from the individual, group, and organizational perspective. How do your self-assessment results contribute to this? Provide citations to strengthen your claims.

Use a minimum of four scholarly sources to support your analysis and reflection.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Leadership and Organizations
Student's Name
Leadership and Organizations
Leadership is an important component in organizations. Leadership helps set the direction for the organization and enhances organizational success (Maamari & Majdalani, 2017).
There are different types of leadership, and each type brings value to an organization. This paper explores conscious leadership as well as self-leadership.
Characteristics of Conscious Leadership
Conscious leadership refers to leadership that is driven by purpose. It not only focuses on creating value for shareholders but other stakeholders of the organization as well (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). Conscious leaders are characterized by self-awareness, passion for the organization and its stakeholders, moral courage to do the right thing, and the need to serve others. They embody servant leadership and are very hardworking, showing high levels of dedication to their followers and the organization (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). In addition, they portray high levels of analytical, spiritual, emotional, and system intelligence. Analytical intelligence refers to the ability to use logic and reasoning. Spiritual intelligence refers to the ability to differentiate between right and wrong, while emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand self and others (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014). System intelligence is the ability to see the bigger picture and act on achieving it. Conscious leaders are authentic; they stay true to who they are even if it is not who others want them to be. To achieve authenticity, they have to know first what drives them and what they stand for.
Historical Management Theories
The concept of management has been around for centuries. To better understand and improve management, many theories have been developed over the years. Two of the earliest theories of management are the scientific and administrative management theories. Frederick Taylor introduced scientific management theory in the 1910s. The theory advocated for efficiency by breaking down tasks into the smallest parts possible (Khorasani & Almasifard, 2017). This theory studied workers' behavior in the organization and realized that workers could be classified according to their specialization to improve efficiency and productivity. Leaders could assign tasks to employees and guide them on how to accomplish those tasks. This not only improved productivity but also facilitated the training of employees to improve their skills (Khorasani & Almasifard, 2017). Next, Henri Fayol developed administrative management theory. The theory focused on the organization's structuring through authority, centralization, unity of command, discipline, order, and division of labor, among others (Khorasani & Almasifard, 2017). In addition, this theory analyzed how employees within an organization interact with each other and their leaders. Today, this is what organizational behavior entails.
Importance of Self-awareness, Self-concept, and EI
Self-awareness, self-concept, and EI are at the core of conscious leadership. These three concepts are interrelated, and they influence the degree of consciousness of a leader. Self-awareness and self-concept relate to oneself and as Ricketts and Ricketts (2018) indicate, "becoming an effective leader begins with self." Self-awareness refers to the ability to identify one's strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, feelings, and values, among others. Self-concept refers to how a person perceives and thinks of themselves (Ricketts & Ricketts, 2018). Self-concept can either be negative or positive. Leaders who are self-aware and have a positive self-concept can positively influence others. While discussing the characteristics of conscious leaders, it was noted that they are authentic (Mackey & Sisodia, 2014), meaning they know who they are, and they stay true to who they are. This indicates that they are self-aware and they view themselves in a positive light. According to Maamari and Majdalani (2017), EI plays an instrum...
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