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2 pages/≈550 words
Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
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Forces for Change and Planned Change and Creating a Culture for Change

Essay Instructions:

What is the difference between the forces for change and planned change?How can organizations overcome resistance to change? How can managers create a culture for change?

Please use as source: McShane, S. L., & Von Glinow, M. A. (2023). Organizational behavior: Emerging knowledge, global reality. McGraw-Hill Education.

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Implementing Change in Organizations

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A change manager plays a vital role in ensuring the organization's project attains their goals on time and within the stipulated budget by encouraging employees to adapt to change. The manager also focuses on human aspects of organizational shifts, including factors contributing to change resistance. This is central to assisting, empowering, and motivating employees to adapt the change to organizational systems, processes, and structures. This paper discusses the difference between planned change and forces for change, strategies applied to address resistance to change, and how managers create a culture of change.

Planned Change and Forces for Change

Planned change is intentional, and change agents carry it out to achieve specific goals or adapt to the external business environment. It includes change activities that are goal-oriented and intentional. For instance, a company can bolster its workforce's gender and racial diversity in response to a

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