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Mc Donald’s Management and Organization Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

Conduct a 30-minute observation at a local McDonald’s or Starbucks restaurant, and document the


• Look for specific examples of scientific management in practice. How are scientific management principles practiced across various positions at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall job design at the restaurant, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly mechanistic to highly non-mechanistic? Which jobs or positions are most mechanized versus least mechanized?

• Look for specific examples of classical/bureaucratic structure in practice. How are bureaucratic principles practiced at the restaurant? How would you assess the overall organization structure, according to our Contingency Analysis scale of highly bureaucratic (functional) to highly non-bureaucratic (network) structures?

• Summarize your observations. In two columns, bullet-point the examples of work practices from the (a) bureaucratic/classical (organization structure) and (b) scientific management (job design) perspectives, and provide illustrative examples from your observations.

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Mc Donald’s Management and Organization
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Scientific Management
Research in management and organizational theory is an essential part in how businesses operate. Frederick W. Taylor. Taylor, a modern efficiency expert in mechanical engineering, developed and formalized the principles of Scientific Management (Waring, 2016).This is a management theory which assesses and orchestrates workflow. He developed a set of ideas aimed at getting employees in manufacturing industries to be more productive.
To simplify the tasks each employee performed, Taylor contracted with businesses to rearrange their manufacturing processes. The staff in these organizations would perform the same basic tasks over and over instead of doing several different things. Scientific management concepts still have a huge global effect and there is substantial evidence proving that some companies in New Zealand and other regions apply these principles in their business operations.
McDonald's is one of the most well-known and valuable brands in the world, holding a leading share in virtually every country in the world branded fast-food service restaurant segment of the informal eating-out industry. It is the leading global food service retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving about 50 million customers every day in more than 119 countries. This essay demonstrates the evidence of Scientific Management principles in McDonald’s business operations.
The evidence is analyzed from three perspectives: the scientific education imposed on their employees, rewards systems for accomplishing the goals, as well as a uniform way of performing each job. McDonald’s has a competitive wage and promotion system that recognizes and rewards performance, commitment, and inspiration. These come in various forms ranging from a simple appreciation from the managers to a more broad form like the ‘Employee of the Month’.
Additionally, the company offers great incentive programs with access to merchandise, free food, and gift certificates among other things. These provide workers with the opportunity to earn notable compensation when their performance meets or exceeds the set goals and objectives. According to Taylor, non-incentive wage systems encourage low productivity (Waring, 2016): If the employee earns the same pay, irrespective of how much it is, the output will be low. Taylor's idea of motivation involves implementing a system of inequitable compensation for employees and a bonus system would generate monetary rewards.
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