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The Major Drivers of Change and the Role of Strategic Leadership in an Organization

Essay Instructions:

Discussion topics

Discussion Topic 1: Drivers of Change

What are the major external and internal drivers of change in your organization?

Discussion Topic 2: Strategic Leadership

What is, or should be, the role of the strategic leadership in your organization to meet its performance objectives, develop a resilient organization and respond to the challenges of environment and sustainability?

For the choice of your organization, you can choose your current employer, past employer, a supplier or customer that you are very familiar with, or an organization where you volunteer.

In your discussions, cite examples when you describe theories from your reading and research.

Review the MBA Discussion Guidelines for instructions on participation in discussions. Also, abide by the following guidelines:

The titles of your main postings should indicate the discussion topic number (e.g., #1, #2).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Strategic Leadership
Student's Name
Strategic Leadership
Topic 1: Drivers of Change
Change is inevitable in every aspect. The utmost success in a business environment is determined by the ability to bypass the challenges that come with change management. The first step towards effective change management in an organization is identifying the driving forces that initiate the change process. There are two main categories of change forces: external and internal forces (Dumas & Beinecke, 2018), which might narrow down further depending on the circumstances and nature of business. Maryland Creative Solutions, LLC (MCS), operating in the domain area of consultancy, is bound to experience rapid changes emanating from external and internal forces.
External forces are those emerging from outside the organization, and there is very little that the company can do about them. Technological advancement is one of the external forces influencing change within MCS. The company majoring in consultancy faces stiff competition from companies alike, and the different moves by the competitors might trigger a remarkable change. The clients, or rather the consumer preferences, also necessitate a change to respond to their rapidly changing needs appropriately. State and federal government regulation applicable to all LLCs also has the potential to spark change.
The internal forces refer to those originating from within the company, thus presenting less challenge since they have absolute control over them. Change in management structure, new employees, new targets, employees' attitude towards organizational changes, and the external forces are the main internal factors likely to trigger change within MCS. A shift in the company's core values, organizational structure, and vision also can drive change from within the company. Communicatio...
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