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1 pages/≈275 words
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English (U.S.)
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Fear and Anxiety During the Interview Process Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

Fears Essay: write an essay that addresses any anxiety you experience with the interview process.

Background Information: I am a student apply for internship in Investment Banking or Consulting company.

This is an essay writing the anxiety experience I have during the interview process.

There is no need for citation. But it has to be a whole page essay. Thank you !

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fear and Anxiety During the Interview Process
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Assignment Due Date
Fear and Anxiety During the Interview Process
Fear in Interview
Interview anxiety and fear are obstacles that I have to overcome to get an internship in a Consulting or Investment Banking Company. For me, the most significant fear factor is to interact with people who are in an authoritative position. Recently, I went to an Investment Banking Company to give an interview. Since the moment of receiving the interview call from the HR personnel and appearing for the interview was a frightening experience for me. In my telephonic conversation with the company's representative, I showed nervousness by slurring and fumbling. The thought of appearing before the interviewer the very next morning frightened me. Finally, t...
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