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Essay Instructions:
Part One of Finding Your True North provides multiple ways to examine your own leadership experiences. What has experience taught you about your own leadership? Center your two paragraph journal posting on what you have learned from experience. You may find page 15 (greatest fulfillment), OR pages 19-22 ("hazards") to be especially helpful in thinking and writing for this first journal posting and please make sure to meet all the requirements and I'm an international student don't be so professional in writing the 2 paragraphs. And I'll attach you the pages that might helpful. thank you
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Being a leader means having the greatest influence over others in an organization or rather, having power over others. It is a very overwhelming experience as one is given the ultimate power to rule, and if one is not watchful, it may end up being detrimental to them instead of it being a blessing as many may think. In leadership, one solicits aid and support from others in the achievement of a familiar task.
Experience in life has taught me a lot about leadership. Leadership is not a simple thing. Many think that leadership is all about exercising power and control. Through experience, I have come to learn that when one is given power, they tend to act differently from their true selves. Many try hard to bring out an image that does not exist in them. I have come to note that as a leader, one will try as much as possible to bring out the best. It will not be much of a concern to others what they have to do to achieve their best. Such people are ever hungry for power and when they get the chance, without knowing what they have to do for best performance, they just get to doing what they think is right. I came to realize that such attitudes result in various hazards of leadership.
Experience has also taught me that in leadership there are normal goals and fears that one may experience, that one will face challenges in responding to. I learnt that goals such as wanting respect and rewards from others and authority, wanting things to go well, enjoying shared success, thriving in interdependence relationships and wanting to capitalize on success for advancement are normal goals of a leader. The fears that leaders may have may include making mistakes and having one`s lack of skills and knowledge exposed, not being rewarded enough, getting blamed and suffering consequences, becoming too dependent on others and falling behind others. Such fears and normal goals are responded to in different ways by leaders. The responses might be hazardous or healthy depending on its impact.
Examples of such hazards include being an imposter. An imposter is someone who relies on their own thinking and make decisions on their own, disregarding the advice of others. Such leaders force their subjects to doing what they want done in their own preferred ways. Such leaders are hostile to developmental feedback by anyone. Such leaders fight those they think are a threat to them and will make it their responsibility to eliminate them. Other characteristics of leadership tha...
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