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Ethics and Decision-Making, Finance for Managers, and People and Culture

Essay Instructions:

Follow attached file instructions and considerations

For this assignment, you are required to analyse how the three subjects may contribute to you participating in and delivering the industry project. You should include the elements listed below.

Subjects to Summarise and Analyse

» Ethics and Decision Making

» Finance for Managers

» People and Culture

You are required to define how each subject may contribute to your project. The document can remain ‘high level,’ but it must provide specific detail per subject. Each subject should be covered and should be around 300 words in length for each. For your document, you should include the following elements:

1. Subject Analysis

a. Examine how each subject will assist you with delivering and participating in your industry project. What information will you use to help your group deliver the industry project?

b. Examine how each subject may assist you with the different roles and responsibilities you may have within your industry group. Additionally, consider how subject content might help you and your team when challenges, issues or conflicts arise.

c. Strive to link theories or concepts with participating in management and implementation practices. For example, how might a past theory help you solve a problem with your industry project?

Do not include the conclusion and keep the body of paper at 825 Words

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Management
Student's First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Project Management
Ethics and Decision Making
* Ethics and ethical decision-making will play an imperative role in delivering and participating in the industry's project by assisting in identifying the problem. The biggest challenge is to understand the problem, and by doing so, the project can be started. Ethics and decisions can also help in delivering by generating alternatives. This will enhance participation because a direct elaboration of how the other options should be implemented will be required (Schwartz, 2017). This subject will assist in delivering by defining the time to make decisions and implement different strategies. The information I will use to help my group deliver the industry project incorporates aspects revolving around risk management, resource planning, and critical success factors.
* In project management, ethics and decision-making will assist in accomplishing different roles and responsibilities within the group. For instance, decision-making will help decide the best step to take in uncertain situations. Management roles are connected with decision-making, and for this reason, the subject will be essential when creating plans. Additionally, ethics is required in the project's general management because individuals can quickly identify mistakes and make corrections honestly. When challenges and issues arise, ethics and decision-making will help because before making taking any step, critical decisions will be involved with several considerations.
* The ethical theory that is concerned with consequences and particular actions is the consequentialist theory. It is linked to ethics and decision-making when analyzing it using its utilitarian and common good approach. These approaches motivate individuals to make ethical decisions that will result in positive outcomes (Conway & Gawronski, 2013). Therefore, this theory will help ensure the decisions taken have the most significant balance of good over harm in project management. When there is a problem, the theory will ensure that the solution implemented provides the best outcomes.
Finance for Managers
* Finance for managers will help deliver and participate in the industry project because individuals with financial information are game-changers in every organization. This subject will equip me to make better financial decisions to deliver and participate in the project. In this case, I will advise on how to use resources effectively. With this subject, I will be able to reduce expenses and generally be in a position to articulate expectations clearly. The information I will use to help my group deliver the industry project is based on the knowledge gained from the subject, including reduction of errors, measuring growth, and data and financial transparency.
* A project involves various elements, and once the project has started, individuals are often curious about growth an...
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