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Business & Marketing
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Why Advertising Should Not Be Abolished

Essay Instructions:


During this semester you'll write two short reading analyses (2-5 pages, double spaced). The first analysis can be completed and turned in any day on or before March 11. You can write on any reading (videos included) you choose, but these analyses are due on or before the day on which the text you’re analyzing is being discussed in class. You are encouraged to use this as an opportunity to dig into texts that you might want to use as resources in your final paper. Your analysis of these readings should be substantive; while you will want to illustrate comprehension of the readings, the goal is not description, but analysis.

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Why Advertising Should Not Be Abolished
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Why Advertising Should Not Be Abolished

Advertisement is one of the most important aspects of modern businesses. In the fourth industrial revolution, where there is general competing information, advertisement is critical because it gives business organizations a competitive advantage. The more people know about a product or service, the more likely they are to buy it. However, several questions have been raised on whether advertising is a viable business tool in the modern world. In his book Confessions of an Advertising Man, David Ogilvy (1963) grapples with this question. The current paper analyzes his argument in Chapter XI on whether advertising should be abolished. Thus, the current paper analyzes his arguments which leads to the conclusion that advertising should not be abolished.

Arguments for and Against Abolition of Advertising

            In his work, Ogilvy (1963) highlights some of the arguments that either support or oppose the abolition of advertising. By comparing these arguments side by side, the author makes valuable conclusions. For instance, Ogilvy quotes some leading personalities who think advertising should be abolished. For example, the late Aneurin Bevan argued that advertising is evil, while Arnold Toynbee agrees with these sentiments (p. 149). Further, according to Professor Galbraith, "advertising tempts people to squander money on unneeded possessions" (Ogilvy, 1963). The views held by Professor Galbraith have relevance, especially in the modern era of consumerism. Indeed, people are buying more things that they as highlighted by food and clothes wastage worldwide.

            However, counterarguments...

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