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Ethic: Immune To Cheating Or Stealing Behaviour

Essay Instructions:

Part I - Before Reading

Before we begin this week's discussion, let's come to some agreement on whether cheating and/or stealing behavior is universal. We'll begin with an excerpt from Dan Ariely's 2009 TED Talk "Our Buggy Moral Code."

You can access the full lecture at http://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/dan_ariely_on_our_buggy_moral_code?language=en?utm_source=tedcomshare&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=tedspread (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Part I - Share Your Thoughts (5 points): Are any of us immune to cheating/stealing behavior? Can you think of a time when this behavior is warranted? Is it always unacceptable?

Summarize your thoughts on the question(s) posed above. Then, complete the assigned reading for the week. Afterwards, I'd like you to return here and continue with part two of this discussion.

Part II - After Reading

Your book highlights several reasons good people may behave unethically, some of which include:

fear of damaging relationships

being caught in the midst of an ethical dilemma

to receive praise or avoid punishment

For Part II, consider your own definition of moral character in determining how you would handle the following scenarios (20 points):

Scenario #1 - You are working in Quality Control. Once a year, your supervisor gives away the refurbished computers to the local elementary school. No specific records are kept of this type of transaction and you really needs a computer for your son who is in college. Your supervisor asks you to deliver 12 computer systems to the school. Do you keep one?

Scenario #2 - You have recently taken an entry-level position at a computer company. In that role, you are responsible for making copies for the associates. Your son, Bruce, comes in and needs some copies for a school project. He brought his own paper and needs 300 copies for his class. If he doesn't bring the copies with him, he will fail the project. The company copier does not require a security key nor do they keep track of copies made by departments. Do you make the copies?

Scenario #3 - You are the secretary in the Facilities Management Department. You have just received a new computer and want to try it out. Though your supervisor has a strict policy about computer use for business purposes only, you wants to learn the new platform more thoroughly than your training can provide. One good way to do this, you figure, is to work on a project for your community service group to help you get the knack of it. You are caught up on all of your work and only have 30 minutes left in your work day. Your supervisor left early. Do you try it out?

In the conversation reference the theories and frameworks presented in Chapter 5. Consider the moral intensity of the situation, the ethical intention of your response, analyze the situation using the seven questions, or frame your response within one of the six ethical theories.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part I
Humans are not immune to cheating or stealing behavior; humans have intuitions that cause irrational decisions because the process happens unconsciously (Ariely, 2009). Many people tend to cheat regardless of economic incentives, according to Ariely, people can tolerate minor cheating behavior if they can get away with it and feel good about it. People who cheat tend to cheat more when the value of cheating goes up and when the probability of being caught cheating goes down (Ariely, 2009).
Dan Ariely states that humans are not immune to cheating because of the irrational thoughts that are beyond their control, but cheating can go down when people are aware of morality (Ariely, 2009). Cheating can also go up when other people within a setting are cheating, and nobody condemns their act (Ariely, 2009). Ironically, people cheat less if the gain is money, meaning that if the gain is not money, cheating will increase. I believe that social influence also affects the level of cheating; therefore, humans are likely to cheat if people of the same group are cheating.
Part II
Scenario 1
In the above scenario, naturally I would want to give my son who is in need of a computer, but the best option is to request the supervisor if I could buy one computer at a subsidized price. The other alternative action will be to give all the 12 computers in local elementary school and request for an advance to buy a new computer for my son because it is the right thing to do. When caught up in an ethical dilemma moral reasoning should prevail because we h...
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