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Integrated Marketing Assignment: TNTs We Know Drama

Essay Instructions:

Over the twenty years that I have taught graduate marketing, I have encountered several course titles. While "Marketing" is the simplest, the most descriptive and meaningful title I have encountered was "Marketing Integration". To me, understanding how marketing integrates with the other important functions of the enterprise is the key difference between graduate and undergraduate marketing. My advice to my clients has always been that a marketing plan should not be necessary because marketing should be so thoroughly infused into the business plan that no separate document would be needed. This is of course a radical notion that can rarely be implemented because of resistance to change, but I do believe it to be true and it has worked for companies I have either led or consulted.
Your assignment is not to necessarily agree with the concept described above, but to determine for yourself the importance of integrating marketing with the rest of the enterprise. Identify the company you do business with (retail or other type) that you believe has the best "marketing". In an introductory paragraph, describe why you believe that company to be the best. In the remainder of the assignment identify how what you value is connected to other functions within the enterprise. Functions that might be discussed are manufacturing, quality control, engineering, finance, human resources, research and development, or any other function you believe to be relevant.
Please note that submissions not meeting the minimum requirements defined below will not be evaluated and a grade of zero will be entered. This applies to all assignments in this series.
The minimum length of the assignment is 500 words, not counting the cover page, cited material or the bibliography. This is a minimum only, and "A" level papers will usually have a word count in the area of 650-850 words.
At least two cited references are required and cited material must be identified by quotation marks within the body of the paper and linked to the source using APA citation format.
A cover page with your name, the assignment title, and the date of submission should be included.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Integrated Marketing
Your Name
Your Institution of Affiliation
July 9, 2017
According to Lake (2016), “Integrated Marketing is the holistic approach to communication in marketing”. In general, this concept means that any marketing strategy should be effective, continuous, and provides a seamless experience for the customers that you are targeting. Today, it is apparent that there is a constant increase in the average daily consumption of social media in almost every face of the globe. With teenagers spending up to nine hours per day on these platforms, integrated marketing would not be possible without tapping this online resource (Asano, 2017). In this article, the author would like to focus on a company that utilizes creative marketing schemes by integrating with current trends in the online world online. The company that would be in focus is TNT Network, a TV channel that is owned by the Turner Broadcasting System. The author believes that this company has one of the best marketing because it utilizes ingenious ways of delivering their message not only offline (billboards) but also online (video campaigns). More specifically, this company makes the most out of offline advertisements by providing concise and interesting information through their billboards, and an even greater impact by not only going with the latest trends in the social media but taking it to a whole other level through an integration of their technologies with their content.
TNT’s We Know Drama
In one of their latest advertisements the company released a launch campaign, with the tagline “We Know Drama”, that was widely viewed and appreciated by millions of people all over the world (ThinkWithGoogle.com, n.d.). The company’s online advertisement was created in order to ‘jump-start’ the TV network’s opening in Belgium and was aimed at creating an advertisement that “is worth talking about” (ThinkWithGoogle.com, n.d.). The campaign that they released was a kind of prank where they left a red button with a sign saying “Push to add drama”, in what is supposedly a quiet town in the region. In the end, the campaign became surprisingly successful, not only in the country but the whole world, with the video receiving 10 Million views, in just the first 48 hours after its release. Perhaps, the main reason for the advertisement’s success is due to their idea of going with the ongoing trend of pranking and using the technologies t...
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