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ETH 301 SLP WK 1: Ethical Principles in Business

Essay Instructions:



Normative Ethics

The Session Long Project for this class is neither a term paper nor a long project due at the end of the course. Rather, the Session Long Project is your chance to take something from the real world and develop a cumulative approach to the analysis of an ethical issue.

There are three parts to the Module 1 Session Long Project assignment, which is a little bit of a practice run for the remaining cumulative SLP project:

  • Select a business (preferably) or other organization with which you are familiar, one you work for or have considerable knowledge about. Provide enough information about that organization for a reader without your experience to share your knowledge about its industry, customer base, etc.
  • Identify a single moral problem confronting this organization in relation to its employees, customers, suppliers, investors, or other stakeholder groups, perhaps something the company is working to correct.

Every company has some kind of moral problem. Whether they face up to it or not is another matter. But they have problems. Find a simple one. It could be something as small as refusing to listen to minor safety claims, listening in on personal phone calls, strict dress codes, and the like. That might not seem like much, but it can be very important to the people concerned.

  • Identify and explain two ethical principles that might be applied to solving this problem.

SLP Assignment Expectations

  • Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.
  • Your paper should have a separate cover page and a separate reference page containing the full citations corresponding to the in-text citations you choose to use in the body of your paper.
  • Cite sources of information in your text.
  • Proofread your paper before submitting it.

Upload your paper by the end of the module.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Principles in Business
Students Name:
Normative Ethics
Having worked in this module of business one thing that I can say is that it is quite an experience. The nature of the enterprise is providing to customers the best services possible as they work on the internet café. It involves the use of computers by which clients have access to a lot of services, for example, printing, typesetting, scanning, and photocopying.
It’s imperative to be very professional and hands on mainly dealing with clients in case the fault is on their side. Even if they made the mistake, there is a saying in business that says: The customer is always right. The number of Job hours is also paramount for someone to understand while working in such an environment. As seen in Mappes, & Zembaty. (1977).
One has to work for long hours and mostly spent a lot of time walking to and fro attending to customers. Something a person has to realize is that the age bracket from fifteen to thirty is quite computer literate. On the other hand from thirty and beyond, concerning age bracket division is to say that the elderly age have some issues or a lot of issues working.
Hence, you are required to offer them the best available services. A number of the old people are not computer Literate, so that’s the biggest obstacle you have to overcome. In a cyber café, there is automatic charging software, that allows the user to log on and control the amount of hours or minutes they spend on the internet, and amount of money to prevent th...
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