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Sunrise Beverages Company Description

Essay Instructions:

Create the company description and the product or service plan.

Complete the following sections of the business plan template.

· Company Description

· Service/Product Plan

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Sunrise Beverages
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Institution Affiliation
Company Description
The idea of creating Sunrise Beverages came from McDonald’s and Starbucks, two of the biggest competitors of our food and beverage company. Sunrise Beverages aims to provide customers with top-notch snack foods and non-alcoholic beverages, and for this purpose, we have paid utmost attention to all of our departments, ranging from the production unit to the marketing department that will deliver and market the items in a timely manner. As of August 2018, Sunrise Beverages is operating in 50 countries worldwide, and we operate through four main segments: China or the Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe, and the Americas (Aitalieva & Panasyuk, 2016). We aim to target all big and small countries and cities of the world. We are aware of the fact that this will take some years, but just like Starbucks and McDonald’s, we want to have our stores established all over the world. Sunrise Beverages buys and roasts a variety of coffees that we sell, along with handcrafted tea, coffee, and other beverages. A wide range of fresh food items is also available, such as burgers, French fries, pizzas, and other similar things. We sell all of these items through the company-operated stores. In addition, Sunrise Beverages provides home delivery to the customers who are unable to come to the food store due to one reason or another.
We believe in providing consumers with the best quality eatables and drinks, and for this purpose, we have hired the top chefs and experts from across the globe; they provide food services to the clients according to their personal needs and demands. This is done to ensure that every customer gets an easy access to a hygienic, fresh, healthy, tasty and delicious meal. We have plans to expand our network in the next few years as our competitors are already dominating the food and beverage industry, and we want to push them behind the competition as soon as possible. We aim to maintain a balance between the quality and the price, and for this purpose, we have implemented some of the best strategies (Bonomo & Pasternak, 2005). At Sunrise Beverages, our aim is to give consumers their favorite food items and drinks without putting any financial pressure on them. The main target markets of Sunrise Beverages are the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Canada, and China...
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