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Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room

Essay Instructions:

watch movie“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room”

Part 1: During watching the movie, identifying and listing two types of behaviors/activities committed by various Enron employees. First are those activities that are illegal, or on the borderline of legality. Second are those activities that challenge accepted ethical and/or moral guidelines. Throughout Enron’s history these two themes are ever apparent and your lists should reflect your own views of legality and morality/ethical behavior. At the conclusion of the movie take a moment to consider “corporate culture” as a concept.

As you create your lists, you have to consider your own opinions as to what is appropriate professional behavior, legally and ethically, these are often different and at odds with each other.

Please consider how easy it sometimes seems to “go along” with the corporate culture and how difficult

it may be to stand up for your beliefs.

you don't need to write anything in part 1 , you only need to write paper in part 2. Part 1 is like a list on a paper notes. based on notes from part 1, you write a paper.

Part2 : Identify what you feel is the most significant illegal, ethical, or moral issue, company policy, or activity committed and why you feel this is the most serious one raised. Be sure to consider and incorporate why its impact on Enron is a key reason for the firm’s rapid rise and fall. find 3 sources to support your point.

For the article(better just 1) chosen ( sure the positions and arguments are clear, logical, and focused). If you see a way to incorporate points from multiple articles that is fine but each must be consistent in its position. With 2 pages points need to be stated efficiently and without excess verbiage

good paper will have additional arguments, sources, and original thinking that demonstrate thought and insights beyond what we’ve covered (so additional research required).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Student’s Name
Department, University
Course Code: Course Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
The movie is a narrative on Enron’s collapse due to malpractices from its senior executives. The most significant unethical issue raised is the dishonesty and malpractices of Enron’s executives, who diverted the organization’s revenues to personal accounts, forged financial statements, manipulated earnings, ruined daily trading recordings, and hedged past what the board had authorized. The intention to gamble unwarranted amounts of Enron’s resources was mainly because of failed ventures elsewhere. Thus, these dishonest and unethical conduct were executed with the senior executives such as Ken Lay, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Andrew, and Jeffrey Skilling. The CEO encouraged the executives to continue hedging rather than supervising the systematic risk reduction.
The CEO also demonstrated unethical conduct by collaborating with other senior executives to implement a prompt yet fraudulent decision to change Enron’s stocks to guarantee the company’s continuation. In addition, notwithstanding Ken’s awareness of the deceitful traders dealing, the company did not fire them. But Ken replaced the two rogue traders with Jeffrey Skilling (chief operating officer- COO) after the Senate committee indicted them, demonstrating Ken’s mission of profiteering from Enron via dubious ways (Sarkkinen, 2015). Another employee who demonstrated unethical behavior was Skilling, who created, planned, and implemented the mark-to-market accountancy framework malpractice geared at replicating the revenues they anticipated their investors would be impressed with (Abdel-Khalik, 2019). In this context, the increasingly skewed method was vulnerable to exploitation via its various loopholes.
Another unethical conduct Skilling did was advocating for the shift to the hypothetical future value accounting, which offered a leeway whereby executives could include money in the organization’s bottom lines as they liked. This was an unethical practice where the executives exploited the new accounting practice as motivated by the unconstrained wish to make the financial statements look attractive. Enron brokered the purchasing and tra...
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