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Employment Law and Organizational Rules in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

For this discussion activity, you will conduct your scavenger hunt by finding two examples of where the organization and management ensured employment and employee laws and workplace rules were clear and consistent for everyone in the organization, and then provide two examples where an organization failed in this area, along with the end result for the organization. Think about examples in your past when there was an employee who was always pushing the envelope and trying to get away with the little things, or even examples where managers or organizations broke the law outright.
In addition, I want you to consider what social media and technology are adding to this topic and the issues this creates for the workplace. Remember these examples can come from any organization. These examples can be from current events, historical instances, or classic examples, in video or print.
Conduct a web search seeking two examples of employment or employee laws that you believe were vital in changing or creating today’s workplace and then share two examples where rules and laws were either not enforced or were not enforced evenly and fairly throughout the organization.
• Discuss what you found during your web search. 
• Provide a description of your selected key functions and how these functions can and do affect all managers and organizations. 
Post a 2 to 4 paragraph discussion post (300 words minimum). Justify your explanations by including in-text citations and references in APA format as applicable.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employment Law and Organizational Rules
Business ethics is one of the most volatile topics in business relative to the number of time businesses break the code of ethical standards. For most of the businesses, the element of making profits has been more entrenched in the culture, such that business ethics takes a back seat most of the time (Department of Labor, 2016). When the ethical standards are observed, there are some strict legal huddles to be followed.
There are companies that are quite genuine in their operations as they also observe the various employee laws to help their employees achieve their goals (Department of Labor, 2016). Working for a local water bottling company, all employees are assured of their wages and the overtime pays. The company is also very keen on making sure that their employees are safe from any serious hazards. As such, there are workplace regulations that have to be followed by the management and the employees at all times. With constant evaluation of the regulations, the company is able to maintain high quality of standards.
The cost for companies when they are caught in the act, having bleached some of the laws and regulations that they are supposed to observe can be quite severe. One of the most recent and costly scandals has been by Volkswagen (Kottasova, 2016). This is after they rigged their emission tests to indicate a lower figure thereby duping international markets. Relative to the scale of the scandal, the company has suffered massive losses amounting to an estimated 88 billion dollars (Kottasova, 2016). This is an indication of the impacts ethical scandals have on the companies. Other than the monetary losses, there are also other losses that are associated with the image of the company after the discovery of the same. One other scandal that has been on the lime light of late is that of FIFA, that involves a number of officials on allegations of fraud and racketeering (Kottasova, 2016). The impact of the scandal included some of the largest sponsors of the events being spooked and much of the credibility associated with the football governing body dwindling.
In a recent turn of events at a local real estate c...
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