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Business Ethics and Organization's Culture Research

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Business Ethics

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Business Ethics
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Business Ethics
Ethics are integral practices in businesses and entails doing what is right or proper to different persons within the organization as the employees, customers, and the society as a whole (Donaldson, 1994). As the HR, some corporate policies should be adopted as the organization culture that promotes ethical behavior. Some of these policies include: executives acting as role models to the subordinates as far as ethics is concerned, proper communication of moral expectations by management and junior staff, reward and punishment to individuals who act ethically and unethically respectively, ensuring protective mechanisms to employees in matters related to ethics, application of integrity, justice and transcendence as well as being guided by the virtual of self-control.
The policies adopted by any organization act as the basis on which ethics is practiced by the organization and shapes the organization culture. The model nature of the executive, for instance, ensures that the management practices acceptable behavior since their actions serve as a footprint upon which the subordinates act. The staff also acts ethically since they are afraid of betraying their executive. Code of ethics is made known to staff to reduce ambiguity and ensure proper observation of principles by the staff. This also improves the efficiency of the services offered by the organization as every team strives to do what ought to be done. Training on ethical behavior should be done to stress its importance among the parties in any organization. For instance, regular seminars and workshops can be conducted to address the importance and how to apply ethics like etiquette. The idea of punishment and reward ensures that every member of the company becomes responsible for their actions due to the motivation of reward and in fear of being punished. (Carroll, 1991)
Ethical issues arise when a company management fails to take moral responsibility for different happenings within the organization. A community’s social responsibility and legal liability becomes necessary in this case. TechFite has failed in this concerning the employees and society. Giving the full remuneration to the staff as per the initial expectation is becoming difficult. This arose due to misappropriation of funds where the executives receive bounty payments at the expense of their juniors.
The ethical desirability to improve these comes from the needs to obey operating laws and relate well with the customers. Fist, the quality of work that a business does must meet the ethical conditions set by business governing authorities. These will ensure there is no harm to the people served. Secondly, the environment must remain protected from harmful disposals. Finally, the general image of a working place and how they relate with the customers will be handled automatically (Donaldson, 1994). These include promises to the community which must be in fulfilled in due course.
The roles of an ethics officer are to ensure the moral uprightness of an organization by implementing a few issues. Some matters to implement are setting and communicating the code of ethics. In doing so, the employees can attain some training from him on the right moral values. After doing that, he or she comes to a conclusion of his activities by monitoring how the employees in an organization will behave. At such a time, any person found to be vulnerable to any malpractices is liable for punish...
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