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Employee Training

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Impact of Technology on Employee Training Name: Course: Professor Name: (July 21, 2012) Abstract With changes in technology, there is need for businesses to seek new ways to take a competitive advantage over their competitors. Consequently, the need to give their customers quality services lies on the way such companies train their employees. Continual change in technology has affected the society, the nature of work being done, the way it is being done as well as the morale of the employees. Previous research studies, have come up with different ways in which technology changes affect the businesses today, few have dealt on the way such technology affect the way the organization need to train the employees for the sake of adopting to the new technological changes. Evidently, new technology affects the way a business delivers a product to the market, need to add value to the product, the support plan for the new technology, new partnerships and how the customer experience such a product. Truly, these effects due to new technology cannot be handled if the organization cannot work on employee training. Employee training has been seen as the only way to increase worker motivation, productivity and the general skills of the employees to cope with technological changes. Similarly, the best results out of the training exercise are realized if the organizations are able to keep trend with changes in technology. Discussion Recent studies show that the need for employee training by organizations has been on the rise. Similarly, these studies also reveal that the changes in technology have forced workers out of business because of lack of knowledge. Therefore, the organizations embark in training programs to equip the employees with skills, work concepts, improve their attitude and improve productivity (Cole, 2002). Consequently, other organizations have struggled to keep hold of their employees who are equipped with technology because of competition for their high skills. However, the changes in technology have made the human resource to have sleepless nights as such changes force them to change their strategies in the market and in the organization (Certo, 2002). The major aim of the organizations is to retain employees and develop their skills to be in line with the new technologies. Thus the change from employee control to the adoption of other strategies of being more committed to them is eminent in the era of the new technologies in order for the organizations to maintain a competitive advantage. However, it is not easy for the high technology employees to commit to the organization unless the organization has identified key retention strategies (Cole, 2002). Changes in technology have thus affected the way organizations embark on employee retention through training, compensation of the highly skilled employees, training employees to be equipped with given characteristics of the affected jobs, coming up with other jobs opportunities, supervisory support and other work policies. Most of the organizations have treated training with much importance since most of the work concepts change amid the new technologies and therefore training needs have to follow “suit” (Collison, 2002). However, the relevance of this training must be taken into concern and thus quality of the training play a major role in the new era. Companies that do not offer their employees frequent training cannot take advantage of the competing environment in the market. Such high competition is brought by technological changes that make bring new strategies to the organizations. Even though training make the employees of such organizations improve in productivity as well as adapt to technological changes that require companies ”to be on toes” (Bradley, 1992). He continues to assert that new technologies have revolutionized the training programs used by organizations. Priority has been given to the need for higher performance, computer and simulations. Rationalizing of the workforce, regarding supervision with high esteem and doing away with other tasks in the organization and integrating the departments have been some of the changes technology brings to the companies. However, these changes can only be effected with similar training of the employees to get adhered to the new changes. The use of computers and simulations has redefined the nature of work in the organizations and therefore senior management have been forced to look for efficiency and other skills in the area (Cole, 2002). However, other noticeable changes include the redesigning of the work and retrenchment of the workforce. However, a question remains to the employers if they are to retrench most of the employees due to technology changes what would happen in the wake of the company's expansion? Therefore, the employers have been left with no option but to embark on employee training so that the employees are better equipped with skills to cope and take up the challenges in future. Rules and Regulations Relating to Technology impact on Employee Training Organizations know that changes in technology affect the morale and the motivation of the employees. Most of the employees fear being retrenched and therefore one of the rules of the organizations concerning technology issue is to encourage all the employees to train on given areas specifically those affected by technology and to be able to cope with future changes. Consequently, organizations know that changes in technology bring various advantages such that if use well the organizations can take an advantage over her competitors. Likewise, computer and simulation learning are important to take a competitive edge over the rival organizations. Thus the organizations require the employees to get the required skills and knowledge that would make them productive in the organizations (Bradley, 1992). Consequently, organizations are forced to draw long term strategies for the success of their businesses. Employee training is given a priority but this cannot be realized in a fortnight but then after sometime, having a long term investment and return strategy is an important rule by the senior management. Apparently, training enables the employees to learn new ideas, become efficient in production and develop good communication skills that are vital for interaction with co-workers and the management. Moreover, ...
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