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Insight of FOLED

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Answer questions in paper attached (page 19 highlighted in yellow)
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Insight of FOLED
Samsung have focussed in flat screen display technology replacing the present technology. This will enhance fitting of the screen to any type of screen as it can be manipulated to the shape of the plastic. Samsung can use Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLED) which enhance elimination of backlights, thin screens, and usage of less power thus favours mobile phones due to outstanding features of OLED (i.e.) self luminescent and being emissive. The ability to eliminate backlight makes it similar in colour range, contrast and angle of viewing to LCD. Substitution of glass encapsulate with plastic encapuslotor will enabled the creation of flexible OLED (FOLED). FOLED are simple to construct compared to LCD with four layers to six of LCD.
Current state of FOLED
FOLED has already been tested with some devices with other companies like LG planning to invest in FOLED in order to compete with Samsung. Although its application are yet to be applied to computers and mobile phones it happens to evolve with high speed with Samsung planning to use the technology in televisions and mobile before 2015. The change to this technology will mean less cost as well as applied to anything imaginable (D.G, 2012/02/06).
Strategy of the firm
Firms have introduced brands that cheap compared to other companies thus dominating the market. Differentiation strategy focusing in key components disrupts the display innovation which reshapes the existing flexible display industry. Firms may opt IP protection this will ensure that all firms remain in the market (Uchinda T, 2009).
Complementary assets
Culture and innovation, established brand name and close partnership have erupted to be among the factors that go hand in hand for the success of the technology. These factors will make the new brand in the market more acceptable (Fitzpatrick, 2 february 2011).
Some companies are known wild wide due to their success in the present technology. Examples of these companies i...
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