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Emotional Intelligence (HRUnitV-1 of 2)

Essay Instructions:

describe emotional intelligence. Why does a leader need good emotional intelligence? Shouldn’t a leader be a take-charge person focused on obtaining results like making money or winning ball games? Give an example of a leader you have experienced that had good emotional intelligence. APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1.    Identify key leadership traits for personal development.

2.    Formulate several attitudes and behaviors that will help you appear charismatic.

3.    Determine your team leadership skills and developing your leadership potential.

4.    Explain effective use of positive reinforcement and recognition to motivate others.

5.    Describe the expectancy theory as a comprehensive way of motivating others.

6.    Diagnose situations to analyze the strength of motivation. Written Lecture

Unit V presents information about leadership that students can apply to developing their leadership skills. Leadership is the ability to inspire support and confidence among the people who are needed to achieve company goals. Leaders make a difference. Leadership status can be derived from being appointed to a formal position or inspiring others through personal characteristics and actions. The unit covers concepts and skills for motivating others, particularly in a work environment.

Key leadership traits are discussed in this unit. Each of the nine leadership traits described next can be developed: self-confidence, assertiveness, trustworthiness and morality, emotional stability, sense of humor, self-awareness and self-objectivity, and cognitive skills and clarity.

Much attention is being paid to the importance of inspirational leaders who guide others toward great heights of achievement. Charisma is a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others. Charisma reflects a subjective perception on the part of the person being influenced. Leaders at all levels can project charisma. The unit gives suggestions for behaving in a charismatic manner.

With the use of teams being so widespread, team leadership opportunities have increased. The team leader acts as a facilitator and coach who shares decision making with team members. A team leader practices participative leadership, or sharing authority with the group. However, research supports the idea that danger lurks in the hands of leaders who turn over all responsibility to the group. Suggestions for developing team leadership skills are included in this unit.

The unit describes five strategies for developing your leadership potential in addition to studying and participating in formal programs. We assume that leaders are both born and made, meaning that certain cognitive and personality characteristics are required, but the potential leader also needs experience and practice.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the capability of understanding and managing the leaders' emotions and those around them. The quality of emotional intelligence offers the leader a number of skills like navigating social networks, capability of managing relationships, as well as inspiring and influencing others. In addition, leaders that possess emotional intelligence are capable of recognizing emotions as they take place (Parker, Saklofske & Stough, 2009). It is a crucial skill that helps to distinguish the best performing leaders from the majority. Find herein the description of emotional intelligence and why every leader should possess it.
It is vital for every leader to obtain good emotional intelligence within the organization. This helps the leaders to inspire great confidence and support among individuals needed to achieve the goals of the company. The presence of good emotional intelligence in leaders enables them to be more inspirational, leading others towards higher heights of achievement. The leadership traits involved in emotional intelligence include assertiveness, self-confidence, emotional stability, morality and trustworthiness, self-objectivity, self-awa...
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