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Company Mentor (HRUnitVI-2 of 2)

Essay Instructions:

visualize yourself in a full-time professional job working for a company that believed strongly in mentoring. Explain whether you would prefer a mentor for yourself, or be assigned a mentor by the company. What are some traits you would look for in a mentor? APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.


  1. A major characteristic of nurturing people is that they:



dislike most people.


are late bloomers in their career.


promote the growth of others.


conduct serious negotiations over lunch.

4 points  

Question 2


A general principle of etiquette in the workplace is to:



be considerate of the feelings of work associates.


look sharp at every available opportunity.


criticize others gently.


smile and be positive even when in a down mood.

4 points  

Question 3


As a trainer, you explain to Pamela that if she learns how to find relevant information on the Internet well, she will be eligible for promotion. You are making use of the learning principle called:



motivated interest.




meaningfulness of material.


deal with trainee defensiveness.

4 points  

Question 4


A point of etiquette to keep in mind when sending e-mail is that:



rules of etiquette do not apply to e mail.


the way in which you send a message tells something about you.


using line justification is a heavy insult.


salutations such as "Dear ________" are now regarded as poor etiquette.

4 points  

Question 5


A recommended method of expressing constructive disagreement is to:



send an anonymous letter to your boss explaining your position.


use carefully worded, inoffensive statements.


express the disagreement during a staff meeting.


joke about your boss's limited understanding of the problem.

4 points  

Question 6


In a mentoring relationship, the mentor:



trains the protégé to be his or her replacement.


gives support and career advice to a less experienced person.


requests that the protégé recommend him or her for promotion.


assumes administrative responsibility for the protégé.

4 points  

Question 7


Which one of the following is the least effective mentoring behavior?



counseling with the protégé


being a role model for the protégé


helping the protégé "learn the ropes"


solving problems for the protégé

4 points  

Question 8


The position taken in the human relations text is that organizational politics refers to gaining advantage by:



dirty tricks.


any means other than merit or luck.


the formal use of power.


hard work and good performance.

4 points  

Question 9


When criticizing a difficult person:



base your criticism on objective facts.


base your criticism on subjective impressions.


begin with harsh criticism, then shift to soft.


conduct the criticism in a group setting.

4 points  

Question 10


A study showed that impression management was the most likely to be effective when the person managing his or her impression:



had good political skill.


had poor political skill.


was highly introverted.


was emotionally unstable.

4 points  

Question 11


Etiquette training for people in high-level business positions is more popular than ever. How would you explain the popularity of such training in the recent era? Give examples. APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.

Visualize yourself in a full-time professional job working for a company that believed strongly in mentoring. Explain whether you would prefer a mentor for yourself, or be assigned a mentor by the company. What are some traits you would look for in a mentor? APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Company Mentor
At a certain point most people require mentorship, in various aspects of their life. Having a mentor that is worth learning from is very important in the work places. The mentor ought to have more experience and probably of a higher rank within the organization. Companies that practice mentorship may assign a mentor for employees while some may prefer choose whoever they wish (Smoke, 2010). The strong belief of mentorship by the company that I worked for contributed to a personal preference to have a mentor, instead of being assigned a mentor by the company for various reasons.
A mentor is supposed to be an individual that I admire for efforts in professionalism in work and conduct. The mentor needs to have a really great impact that causes a personal impression. Thus, this requires a personal decision to choose that kind of individual in the organization. In addition, a personal selection of a mentor would be better since it would be good to take an individual that is easy to open to. The individual is supposed to...
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