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Customer Service (HRUnitVII-1 of 2)

Essay Instructions:

visualize yourself as an executive at Target. Develop a policy to empower customer service desk associates to resolve customer problems, including the limits to their empowerment. APA Guidelines are to be used for your in-text citations and sources.


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1.    Explain the three components of customer experience (or service).

2.    Assess the general principles of customer satisfaction to satisfy customers.

3.    Formulate a plan to deal effectively with customer dissatisfaction.

4.    Explain the importance of ethical behavior for establishing good interpersonal relationships in organization.

5.    Describe why the character traits of virtuousness contribute to being ethical in the workplace.

6.    Identify job situations that often present ethical dilemmas.

7.    Apply a systematic method for making ethical decisions and behaving ethically.

Written Lecture

Unit VII explores ways for students to enhance their ability to satisfy customers, both external and internal. Customer satisfaction receives the highest priority in today's business environment. Companies that take customers for granted often regret their mistake. Ethics refers to what is good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust, and what people should do. Ethics is the vehicle for turning values into action. An ethical reputation helps a person obtain the job he or she wants. A person's ethical code has a big impact on his or her interpersonal relationships.

Outstanding customer satisfaction leads to good will, repeat business, and referrals. External customers are paying customers including clients, guests, and patients. Internal customers are the people one serves within the organization, or those who use a person's job output. All workers in contact with customers are required to have customer satisfaction skills. Workers in a wide variety of jobs need good customer satisfaction skills.

The unit explains customers form three clues about the service experience based on its presence or absence. A clue is anything the customer can see, hear, taste, or smell. Functional clues are derived from the technical performance of the service, such as a broken machine now working. Mechanical clues stem from the sensory presentation of the service, including sights, smells, sounds, tastes, and textures. Human interaction clues are detected from the behavior and appearance of the service providers. Human interaction in the service experience offers the biggest opportunity to deepen customers' emotional connection to the company.

Certain general principles will sharpen a person's ability to satisfy customers and thereby improve customer retention. Without satisfying customers, a business would cease to exist.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Customer Service
Customer service is very important in every business that wishes to retain its customers. The kind of service that customers receive from a certain business determines their willingness to continue doing business with the same company. Thus, it is advisable to develop some strategies that would enhance customer services, which usually leads to customer satisfaction. The current business environment is requiring prioritization of customer satisfaction since it's one of the key roles of business development (Price & Jaffe, 2008). As an executive in charge, it is important to develop a policy suitable for empowering customer service desk associates to resolve customer problems, including the limits to their empowerment.
All the workers that deal with customers require possessing the skills of customer satisfaction. The satisfaction of customer is highly valued since it results to customer loyalty that is very profitable. However, a company may receive dissatisfaction complains from the customers. This is a sensitive stage that requires maximum consideration and all customer service associates should be train...
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