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Decision Support System, Business Inelegance, Business Analytics

Essay Instructions:

search the internet for literature and information about DSS(Decision Support System )and its relationship to BI(Business Inelegance)and BA(Business Analytics) and predictive analytics. define BI, BA ,predictive analytics. Describe in details what you find ""? then give a very brief summary for the relationship.

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DSS, BI and BA
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DSS, BI and BA
A DSS entails an information system, which is computer-based. It supports the decision-making process or activities within an organization. It supports different levels within an organization including, the operations, management and planning. It helps the different levels in decision making that might keep changing with time. An ideal DSS must be interactive application-based system, which should help decision makers in compiling important information from documents, raw data, personal knowledge, as well as, business models, in efforts on identifying and solving problems during decision making. Example of information that DSS could gather and compile includes comparative figures of sales relating to two comparable periods.
On the other hand, BI entails computer-based techniques used in the recognition, extraction, as well as, the analysis of business data, for example, sales revenue in terms of products or department, and their related costs and income. Business Intelligence gives views of operations within a business in the past, in the present, and in the future. Some of its key functions include online analytical processing, reporting, data mining, business performance management, as well as, benchmarking (Zwass, 2011).
Business analytics is a combination of skills, applications, technologies and processes, which an organization uses in efforts of gaining insights within the business or organizations based on data. It assists in the evaluation of the business’ operations within different departments and is important as far as marketing, product development, as well as, customer service are concerned. BA combines a couple of strategies and tools in improving the performance within a business. It is a key part of management system in a business. Business analysts should be equipped with important business analysis techniques applicable in solving the current problems.
Relationship between DSS, BI and BA
The key role of the BI is to offer support in decision making whic...
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