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Decision Support Systems

Essay Instructions:

read the case study and answer all the question. give also brief summary about the case .include any charts if needed


1.    Why should Hollywood decision makers use data mining?

2.    What are the top challenges for Hollywood managers? Can you think of other industry segments that face similar problems?

3.    Do you think the researchers used all of the relevant data to build prediction models?

4.    Why do you think the researchers chose to convert a regression problem into a classification problem?

5.    How do you think these prediction models can be used? Can you think of a good production system for such models?

6.    Do you think the decision makers would easily adapt to such an information system?

7.    What can be done to further improve the prediction models explained in this case?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Business intelligence systems case study
The case study focuses on forecasting the success of films and movies by utilizing data mining and analytics. There is a lot of uncertainty on predicting the financial performance of the movie industry, and hence Sharda and Delen propose a model that explores the problem. Sharda and Delen (2006) utilize neural networks to test revenue estimates through box office receipts by classifying films into nine categories including ‘flop’ to blockbuster’ to improve the results of the model, the authors do not rely on a single neural network but rather use cross validation to obtain more robust results. The results of the experiment show that the ensemble model should be relied upon than individual models (Turban et al., 2013).
Hollywood decision makers and data mining
Hollywood decision makers should consider data mining as there is need for more quality data sources to show better pattern analysis. It is through data mining that the decision makers can use predictors to build models that forecast box-office receipts (Olson & Delen, 2008). The movie industry is unpredictable and improving certainty through utilizing data mining improves the industry’s financial success through evaluating trade offs in movie production. Additionally, the predictive models are important, as industry players can invest in movie production, and emphasize on movies that are likely to be successful, while reducing budgetary allocations to movies that have impressive results and this improves the industry’s returns on investment (ROI).
Challenges facing Hollywood managers and similar industry segments
The top challenge for Hollywood managers is get the best results after investing scarce resources in movie production. The managers need to get the best ROI and assess likely success of movie production, but with limited prediction capabilities this becomes hard to achieve. The managers invest in movies to get returns, but choosing the optima mix of investments remains a challenge. Predicting the demand of movies hinders the managers’ ability to maximize returns of risky investments in the form of movie production. The managers also rely on instincts where there is lack of enough data to support their claims, and at times these instincts are proven wrong. The sports industry that relies on ticketing also faces similar challenges, and the food and fashion industries have difficult to predict demand.
Relevance of prediction models and classification problem
The researchers used data mining to evaluate patterns and then focused on classification and regression. They relied on all the relevant data available with box office grosses revenue being the dependent variable. This is the most important factor in the prediction, and by leaving out auxiliary revenues, t...
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