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Domtar Case: What Groups of Employees are Likely to Need Training?

Essay Instructions:

Textbook: Blanchard N. P. & Thacker J (2013) Effective Training, 5/E, Pearson, ISBN: 9780132729048
Read Case Study 1 in Chapter 5 Page 192 and Domtar Case Study from Chapter 1 (Textbook Page 1). Answer the following questions:
1. In the implementation of Kaizen, what groups of employees are likely to need training? How should the trainees be organized? Think of this issue from a training design perspective and from a training content perspective.
2. For the type of training envisioned, what are the learning objectives? Write these objectives in complete form.
3. For each group of employees that will need training, what are the organizational constraints that need to be addressed in the design of the training? What design features should be used to address these constraints? Be sure to address both the learning and transfer of training issues.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Domtar Case
Training is the organized activity of imparting instructions and information to recipients with the aim of improving their levels of performance or helping them attain certain levels of skill or knowledge. Training is very important at any given workplace as it is an avenue of addressing employee weaknesses, improving employee performance, increasing employee satisfaction and also maintaining consistency. (Tennant, Boonkrong & Roberts, 2002a).After the Second World War, Japan struggle to rebuild from the devastation that hit the country and therefore entrepreneurs invented a training mechanism called kaizen training to help them improve work relations, workplace functionality and accuracy.
This paper is going to look at the likely employees that will need training and how they should be organized during the implementation of kaizen. Also the paper will focus on the learning objectives and the organizational constraints that need to be addressed in the design of the training.
Under kaizen training, all employees need training as it is believed that all employees influence corporate success or failure. Therefore, kaizen training involves everyone from executives, managers to the lower workers of the organization and this is so because, kaizen focuses on bringing all employees together in trying to solve the organization problems. Kaizen training ensures better quality, cost reduction, improved management and cutting delivery time.
Every training has a design and content of its own. After a clear training objective has been produced, a trainer needs a training design that sets the stage for a development of a program that produces results. There are a number of factors to be considered while designing a training design. Time frame, venues, available resources, current knowledge of trainees, available technologies are examples of those factors to be considered. (Tennant, Boonkrong & Roberts, 2002b).On the other hand, training content means focusing on what the training actually requires and ensuring that what is trained is what is required.
These two, training design and training content, may affect the organization of trainees at a certain level of training. Top executives and manager may need different training from lower level workers since content meant for an executive may not be necessary to a lower level worker and sometimes vice versa. Executives and managers may go for retreats and do their trainings there on how to bring diverse groups of employees together and a...
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