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Responses to Georgia Southern University Evening-School Topic

Essay Instructions:

Please read topic, then my response. Then read both of my peers response to to the topic and respond to each peer by keeping in mind what my point of view is. One peer review per page. Tell what you like/dislike, agree/disagree with, etc. Keeping in mind of my response when answering. 

Topic:The very first discussion (Module 1) in our class focused on the following situation:
"Georgia Southern University wishes to increase its evening-school offering of business-related courses
such as marketing, accounting, finance, and management." Further, let's assume that the target
market customers Georgia Southern hopes to acquire are 25 - 35 year olds that either did not go to
college or dropped out of college and are now in the workforce and want to get a degree to improve
their career opportunities. A typical customer could be a 27 year old male that dropped out of college
after his first year and took a job in an auto repair shop. At first he loved his job, but over time he has
decided that he does not want to be an auto mechanic for the rest of his working life. In fact, he
dreams of opening his own auto repair shop specializing in high-end foreign car repairs. While he
knows he needs a business degree to make his dream a reality, he cannot afford to quit his job and go
back to school as a full-time student. An evening program would be ideal of his as it would allow him
to get a business degree by taking classes in the evenings - while continuing to work at his current job
during the day. Further, let's assume that Georgia Southern's focus for this target market are
individual residing in the Savannah area.”
In the Module 1 Discussion you focused on the four marketing mix elements that might be used to
reach the target market. For this module’s Discussion, let’s return to the same situation but focus on
the advertising. Please describe how you would want to use advertising to interest the target market
in Georgia Southern University’s evening business classes. In particular, be sure to discuss the type
of advertising, the advertising objectives, the message content (in general), and the media you wish
to use. Of course, you should also explain the rationale behind your answers. For example, one of
your first decisions will be if you want to primarily use product or institutional advertising. Whichever
you choose, make sure you justify your decision. 

My response: The introduction of a new product or service in an organization is the major indicators that it is growing. After the introduction the big task is letting the target market or public know about it. This requires careful approaches that will ensure that the target market is aware of the new service. One way of doing so is using advertising as the way of informing the public. Therefore, the university can use the different types of marketing to inform the general public about their new service that they have introduced. This will allow them to communicate the benefits of the service and attract those who may want to take the course during the evenings. This will help as a marketing program for the service.
The university can use product advertising that will communicate what the service entails and the benefits that it has to the public. Since this is a new service in the university it will be important to use product advertising. The content of the advertisement will include the time which the program will be offered, the period, benefits of the program as well as who are eligible for it. The advertisement media will be Television and Radio since they have the ability of reaching the specific target. They also offer an extension of the advertisement campaigns through their websites.
However, after the university can also use institutional advertisement in order to attract more customers. This type of advertisement will help the university to target on specific customers that they want. Their target is on those who are working and do not have enough time to attend day classes due to their work schedule. The institutions will help it to communicate their message thus creating confidence among their customers. Additionally, the institutions have the capability of influencing their employees to take the program to develop their careers.

Peer 1:To promote evening courses for students and prospective students at Georgia Southern I would use product advertising. When introducing the product using pioneer advertising I would recommend ads over the radio in the mornings and evenings informing listeners what the product is (evening courses), what it can do (will help an individual further their career or start a new one while having the flexibility and alternative option to do so by taking courses in the evenings and/or online), and informing those where this product can be found (Georgia Southern campus and/or online). Taking the competitive or persuasive approach, I would notify my target audience (25-35 year old college drop outs or those looking to acquire a degree to further their career) of the benefits and features of taking evening and/or online course at Georgia Southern and how this particular program is better than its competitors. Within product advertising there is also reminder advertising. Reminder advertisement is when the product is in its mature phase of their product lifecycle. An example of this is when we have a large amount of students participating in the evening and/or online courses and we send out a reminder ad, whether it be via student email or a letter in the mail, reassuring the student that he/she has made the right choice in choosing to take part in continuing their education by taking the evening/online courses.

Peer 2: I think product advertisement would be good in this situation because it can be pioneering and informative and also comparative. They can compare their night classes to other schools and let them know why they are the best choice. Advertising objectives include reaching the target audience, which is the 25-35 age group who did not graduate college or dropped out and now are working and raising families. Another advertising objective would be to set the advertising budget and build a plan. The advertising message should be informative and understandable. It should inform the target audience of the types and times of the classes. The message also needs to be persuasive. It should contain the best elements of the classes and why they are a great option for working 25-35 year olds. They next need to think about what advertising media they are going to use in order to get their message out. I think a good place to start is billboards, radio, and social media. Those are low cost options that will get people's awareness up and get the information out. Social media and internet is a great way to start advertising because it can be visually appealing and also it can have a direct link to the actual Georgia Southern University website and more information.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1. Response
I concur with your post that product advertising will be suitable in targeting the potential clients of the services that are to be offered by the University. Employing radio advertising is significant due to its coverage, and that majority of the population has an access to it. I also agree on the time of airing the advertisement; for instance, it will be irrelevant to air the ad during the day time since the potential customers of the new service are people who go to work. Therefore, it is significant to choose the morning and evening hours when the target group is either preparing to go to work or have left their working stations in the evening. I believe the target market cohort of 25-35 years is a very challenging market that requires proper investment and persuasion in advertising; the clients need to be assured that the institution has considered their needs and is ready to find time in their busy schedule.
However, I do not agree that the institution should start focusing on the reminder advertisement at this early stage. The Georgia Southern University does not have students in this program and I prefer the first step to be launching an ad product that will persuade as many students as possible to enroll in the program. Being at the first step, and doing budgetary plans for the second stage whose potential is yet to be determined can lead to the collapse of the new program. Therefore, once the pioneer students have been enrolled, the University should focus on ensuring that it offers the best services. Remember, when the first students in the program are impressed with the services, they can influence their peers to ...
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