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Diversity in Business

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: Our goal in an upper level writing class is to move beyond repeating or transcribing knowledge and into creating knowledge. To do this, we must consider what has come before, in terms of research and knowledge, and how that body of knowledge has been/is constructed. That is to say that in order to find an entryway into the discourse of our chosen topics, an original perspective or contribution, it is integral to first understand what has already been said and how it has contributed to shaping the current discourse surrounding your field of study. 

The purpose of this assignment is 1) to become aware of the current “landscape” of research surrounding a problem or debate in your field/discipline 2) work on making your sources “talk” to one another (draw conclusions, spot inconsistencies/contradictions, etc. between sources) and 3) get a head start on the final research paper by viewing a relevant and influential body of scholarship and, in considering the work of others, be able to take the next step forward – adding to it. 

Method: As the Literature Review (also known as a Review of Literature or Research or a Bibliographical Essay) is a set form/genre of writing, please consult the following source. 

http://writingcenter(dot)gmu(dot)edu/writing-resources/wc-quick-guides (a simple, straightforward handout from GMU's Writing Center). 

A good Lit Review should be thorough (it looks at key scholars and studies on the topic, both contemporary and “classic”), reliable (it uses credible, peer-reviewed studies and sources), it should contain synthesis (it connects studies/articles across the discipline, notices patterns or inconsistencies, “gaps” etc. in the research) and should be, above all, objective (it shows no bias selecting, or interpreting/analyzing the research being reviewed). 

As a whole, should present a “survey” of the significant research already done in an area of study via scholarly articles, books, and/or other sources. You should employ your skills in summary, synthesis, and critical evaluation regarding key ideas, concepts, and research on a topic. 

It should also be written as a cohesive essay, not in sections or bullet-points. The purpose is to summarize the landscape of research on a topic by synthesizing information from several sources simultaneously, that is, making them “talk” to one another and respond to one another's claims and findings. Consider from our readings, what Bizup (BEAM) notes as methods of responding to or creating arguments: affirming, disputing, refining, extending. When composing your literature review, consider the relationship(s) that your sources may have with one another. Do they build upon an earlier study? Contradict? Make obsolete? Do they relate in some other way entirely?

Nuts and Bolts: You must find and discuss at least 5 scholarly sources (from books or journals found through the GMU library system). You should use direct textual evidence from your sources to provide context (background), show arguments, exhibits, and methods as necessary and you should cite these instances in-text using the MLA or APA style. Organization is important here – consider which studies, concepts/theories and terms are most relevant and in which order you should discuss them/engage them with others. There should also be an introduction which contextualizes the topic and its “history,” as well as a conclusion which wraps up the review and addresses the need for further research ( consider this conclusion the justification for your research paper). Finally there should be a cover page and pages should be numbered and stapled.

Audience: Your audience here will be academic peers outside of your discipline (and unfamiliar with the intricacies of your topic). In choosing your scholarly sources, make sure to include some that are considered foundational and integral to understanding the issue.

Evaluation: A successful paper will follow the prompt and contain 5 well-chosen, relevant scholarly sources. It will be clear from the writing that these sources are justifiably chosen – i.e. their contributions to the understanding of the topic will be clear and major. The paper will be organized logically with special attention given to transitions and statements of relationship between sources/scholars. It will show a mastery (understanding) of the source material in a way that allows for thoughtful and insightful synthesis of your sources (this means discussing more than one at a time). It will do more than summarize – the review will discuss not just how the sources contribute to the “research landscape” but will also contain moments of analysis and criticism in which you, the author, objectively acknowledge patterns, inconsistencies, or gaps/flaws in research or between multiple sources. It will be relatively free from grammar/spelling mistakes. 

include background source, find way to make sources talk to each other, break the topic into concepts and fit the sources with each other based on the concepts selected.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Diversity in Business
Course title:
Diversity in Business
In a more and more competitive economy in which talent is critical to improving the bottom line of a company, pooling from the most diverse and the largest set of applicants is increasingly vital for a firm to be successful in the marketplace. The United States and the labor force in America are both becoming increasingly diverse. Caleb (2014) stated that the proportion of people of color in America is actually growing. More transgender and gay people are making major contributions to America’s economy, and more women are entering the labor force. In this regard, business organizations that embrace diversity have a more solid footing within the market compared to other businesses. If a manager fails to deliberately include, then he or she unintentionally excludes (Nielsen & Nielsen, 2013). This paper provides a literature review of the research study, which is on the subject of diversity in business.
Literature Review
In this review of existing literature, 5 scholarly sources obtained from a database in business – EBSCOhost – in the George Mason University Library are used. These sources are all relevant to the topic of diversity in business. They are all recent as they were published from the year 2012 to 2014. McGuirk and Jordan (2012) in their article pointed out that the current labor force and marketplace is basically a combination of diverse genders, races, ages, cultures, and lifestyles. Labor force reports and statistics from the United States census show that the talent pools and customer base are changing. These demographic differences create new employees and customers (McGuirk & Jordan, 2012). Diversity is of great importance to a company’s ability to innovate and adapt within a fast-changing environment. Diversity is important for both prosperity and growth of any business organization; diversity of experiences, of viewpoints, of age, of genders, and of cultures. In essence, diversity serves to breed innovation, which in turn breeds business success. McGuirk and Jordan (2012) also stated that successful firms are not those which build a business and then consider diversity as a nice-to-have trait. Firms which are truly innovative and successful are the ones which create diverse teams when they are only starting up. In essence, diversity is not merely strategic imperative; it is a mentality (McGuirk & Jordan, 2012). A business organization can rely on its diversity of thought to finding innovative solutions to new business challenges and offer services/products which surpass expectations of customers. This way, the company will find it vital to respect every individual including the company employees, vendors, and customers.
In their research study, Hewlett, Marshall and Sherbin (2013) found that diversity in the place of work can unlock innovation and drive market growth; a view also shared by McGuirk and Jordan (2012). Their research study involved a survey of 1,800 subjects, 40 case studies, and many interviews and focus groups. Two sorts of diversity were recognized; acquired diversity, and inherent diversity. Acquired diversity, as Hewlett, Marshall and Sherbin (2013) pointed out, involves characteristics that a person gets from experience. For instance, working in a different country helps a person to appreciate cultural differences. Inherent diversity, on the other hand, involves characteristics that an individual is born with, for instance sexual orientation, ethnicity, and gender. Hewlett, Marshall and Sherbin (2013) discovered that firms which had 2-D diversity out-innovate and out-perform other firms. Staff members at these firms are 45 percent more likely to report that the market share of their company expanded over the past year and 70 percent more likely to claim that their company acquired a new market. In essence, 2-D diversity serves to unlock innovation when it creates an environment in which outside the box ideas are heard. When people from the minority communities form a critical mass and leaders of the firm value differences, staff members can offer persuading ideas and they can convince the managers to deploy the necessary resources to implement those ideas (Hewlett, Marshall & Sherbin, 2013).
In another scholarly journal, Caleb (2014) pointed out that more than 29% of the labor force in the United States comprises minorities. A lot of business organizations in the United States understand that diversity in the place of work has several major advantages. By including staff members from culturally diverse backgrounds into their labor force, business organizations become much stronger (Caleb, 2014). Despite that, a lot of firms do not understand the challenges or significance of diversity in the place of work. Nielsen and Nielsen (2013) in their journal article noted that diversity has to be seen as a crucial aspect of the business plan, which is critical to successful products as well as increased sales. Another significant scholarly article on th...
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