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Trips and Falls at the Work Place

Essay Instructions:

Just about every workplace offers the opportunity for an employee to accidentally trip and fall. Slippery spots and stuff in the aisle to trip over can be found in restaurants, offices, and warehouses, as well as factories. Of course, many such falls are the result of employee carelessness. Nonetheless, while the resulting injuries seldom reach the level of severity we tend to associate with, say, fires in grain elevators or chemical explosions, they are painful and often incapacitate an employee for months.

EDS, a British energy company, recognized a problem in this regard that merited attention. As a result of some concerted action, injury rates from slips, trips, and falls declined significantly.

Review the video below:

Leading energy company tackles slips and trips (n.d.). Health and Safety Executive. Retrieved May 26, 2014, from 


Also revisit the deontology and stakeholder analysis content discussed earlier in the course.

Case Assignment

Answer these questions:

•Who are the stakeholders when a worker falls and is injured?

•Should companies take steps to prevent slips and trips, even though worker carelessness is typically at fault? Explain in terms of ethical norms and principles.

•What is your evaluation of the EDS program described in the video?

Assignment Expectations

Write a 3- to 5-page paper, not including title page and reference page, to answer these questions.

Your paper should be double-spaced and in 12-point type size.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trips and falls at the work place
Course title:
In most of work places, there are likely opportunities for the employees to trip and fall. Although many people tent to associate the work place trips and slips with the negligence of the workers, sometimes these are caused by lack of preventive measures. For instance, some work areas contain portholes that can make workers easily fall. The companies that have taken measures to prevent the slips and falls have realized significant decrease of the employees’ injuries emanating from the falls or slips at the work place. This paper reviews the stakeholders when a worker falls and is injured. It also analyses the measures that should be taken by companies in view of the stand that companies should take steps to prevent slips and trips at the work place. An evaluation of the EDS program is also given.
The stake holders
When a worker falls and is injured, there are several stake holders that are involved. The worker themselves are the first stake holders. Most slips and falls. As well as the subsequent injuries are associated with the negligence of the workers. It is crucial that the workers be very careful as they move along the work places so as to avoid slips and falls. The workers are supposed to be much more careful if the work place is not even or it involves activities that may subject the workers to easy trips and slips. It is crucial that the workers ascertain the condition of the work place and employ the necessary precaution.
However, in organizations, there ought to be the personnel that are charged with the duty of the safety of the workers. These are the other stake holders. Those are mainly needed in work places that involve activities that subject the workers to falls and injuries. This is so especially in factories and work places involving movement of materials. At such working place the occupational health staff is the stakeholders in the event of a worker falling and injuring themselves. Wenli, Liu, Fergenbaum et al (2010) note that; the occupational health workers are supposed to ensure that the work place is safe for the workers not to trip and fall. When a worker falls, then they are held responsible if the fall is from the negligence of the occupational health staff. Work place safety managers are the other stake holders in the event of a worker falling and injuring themselves. The workplace safety managers are supposed to ensure that the work place is free from the pot holes that can subject the workers to falls. They are also supposed to ensure that the workers are well informed and safeguarded when the work place involves engagement of activities that may subject the workers to injuries or likelihood of slips or falls.
It could be argued that companies are not held responsible for the falls and injuries of the workers. These negative views emanate from the profit orientation of the companies in the sense that the efforts to prevent the falls and injuries to the workers may cost some funds that could be invested in other areas that are more profitable. Such views regard the prevention of the workers injuries in terms of the cost involve...
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