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Discussion 13: Advertising & Public Relations Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

Define, compare and contrast advertainment and branded entertainment. Bring examples.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be at least 300 words per question, formatted and cited in proper APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources.

Must cite in-text!

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Businesses succeed because of good advertising by forming excellent public relations. This business management area has many other components, including advertisement itself and branded entertainment, also known as brand integrations. Understanding the difference and association between these two concepts will help business managers and advertising agencies perform best.
Generally, advertisements refer to a form of communication with the consumers of a particular service or product. These are paid messages conveyed through a specific medium, such as the radio, television, printed materials like newspapers, electronic mails, sponsorships, clothes, events, posters, music, social media platforms, or people. These are intended to influence the consumers who receive the information by persuading them to avail the product or service due to their uniqueness and excellent quality. Advertising can be found almost anywhere. However, the majority of people neglect or unaware of it. Its objective is to entertain people to encourage them to watch, read, or listen to the ads. In here, the contents can be positioned anywhere even before an unrelated content CITATION Thend \l 13321 (The Economic Times, n.d.)
The advertising industry is comprised of organizations, including the company that requires an ad and the company that creates the ad. The latter is composed of a group of people who manage the creation up to the ads' presentation. These people include copy editors, editors, visualizers, researchers, brand managers, creative heads, and designers. They meet with their clients to communicate about the ideas and concepts that need to be translated into an ad using texts, layouts, visuals, or themes. The problem with traditional advertising is that people tend to watch them because they do not have any other choice CITATION Thend \l 13321 (The Economic Times, n.d.).
There are many forms of advertisements. One of these is a targeted advertisement on digital television. Here, marketers utilize television statistics, including the preferences of the viewers. This stra...
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