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Article Analysis 2 Business & Marketing Essay Paper

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10 Personal Branding Lessons I Learned from My Dog

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Personal Branding
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Personal branding
Today, people do not do business with companies, but the people they like. With this in mind, customers do evaluate not only business culture but also the personalities of entrepreneurs’ and top management. Therefore, building a strong personal brand is an important initiative and helps build more trust between business, customers and similar clients, thus creating a competitive edge (Viţelar, 2019). In reality, it boosts a business reputation and motivates customers to do business with the organization. Even multinationals have personal brands that they leverage to attract more customers. For example, when most people come across Virgin Group ltd., what comes into their mind is Richard Branson. Likewise, other multinationals have personal brands like Apple have Steve Jobs, Facebook has Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft has Bill Gates, and Amazon has Jeff Bezos. The attributes of personal brands greatly influence customer purchasing decisions.
A strong personal brand is fundamental to the success of any business. In the current business environment, there is are a lot of noise and competition that cut across digital platforms. This has been possible due to the advancement of technology, and search engines have made it easier for customers to examine organizations be...
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