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Digital Media as a Distraction

Essay Instructions:

INSTRUCTIONS: https://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/frontline/film/digitalnation/ watch this video from the link then write a research paper following the 3 SECTIONS.

TOPIC: Digital Media as a Distraction

SECTION 1: SELECT ONE TOPIC/ i already did this see above

Answer the questions below:

Item 1: Which topic did you select?

Item 2: Why does this topic appeal to you?

NOTE 1: Section 1 should be the shortest section of your paper (10-15%).


Discuss your topic as presented in class. This is a summary of all the resources used in class relating to the topic including online discussions.

Item 1: Summarize the information on the topic as presented in the class, using the Read & Watch resources AND any classroom discussion (online or f2f) of the topic.

Item 2: Is the topic you selected relevant in a course on digital and social media? Whether you answer yes or no, justify your answer.

Section 2 Sources: Include the source(s) as an in-paper citation and on your References page.

NOTE 2: Section 2 should comprise (30-40%) of your paper.


Provide additional information on the topic you selected by locating TWO or MORE new resources (in addition to the resources provided in class) to expand your knowledge of the topic.

Item 1: What additional sources did you find on the topic you selected (list at least one)?

Item 2: Why is EACH resource you found (a) relevant, (b) credible, (c) accurate, and (d) unbiased based on what you learned from the What is a Credible Source? How to Evaluate Web Resources? Address a-d in your answer.

Item 3: What new information do the two new resources contribute to the topic as presented in class?

Section 3 Source: Include at least ONE SOURCE related to your topic that are NOT presented, discussed, or posted in the weekly Read & Watch in class or posted in the 15 topic list above. Include these sources as in-paper citations and list them on your References page.

NOTE 3: Section 3 should comprise the majority of your paper (45-60%). This is where your primary focus should be.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Digital Media as a Distraction
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’s Name
Assignment Due Date
Digital Media as a Distraction
Section 1
Advanced technology and digital media have increased the accessibility of information. At the same time, digital media has caused distractions. Smartphones and the internet have some of the most significant distractions to users. For instance, social –media often catches people's attention, and most users spend much time on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Whatsapp. Teenagers also spend their time playing video games or chatting with friends via social media platforms. This topic appeals to me because it reflects the real-life situation where digital media has become a fundamental human need.
Section 2
Over a single generation, digital media has changed almost every aspect of modem culture, transforming how people work, learn, and connect. The Frontline video (Growing up online) highlights the problems caused by digital media. According to the video, digital media has dominated the world. Although digital media is an excellent tool for access information quickly, it is causing distraction in school, at work, and at home. Today, many schools allow the use of computers and smartphones in class. However, these devices cause distraction because they reduce concentration in the classroom.
Students tend to multitask using these devices. They are led to think that they can learn, play video games, and chat with friends simultaneously (Rushkoff & Dretzin, 2010). Most of the activities done on digital media are addictive. According to the video, some students would rather play video games or connect with friends via social media than study. These people spend more than 50 hours a week on the internet or video games (Rushkoff & Dretzin, 2010). The same observation could be made in the workplace. It is possible to see an employee working and Watching YouTube videos or connecting via social media in any workplace. Whereas these activities are not harmful, the addiction that comes with them may be dangerous in work life, social life, and school life. It can lead to reduced grades and low productivity. Many accidents have occurred due to destructions caused by digital media. Despite the advantages of technology, young people find it difficult to avoid distractions rife on social media.
The topic, ‘‘Digital media as a distraction’’ is relevant in a digital and social media course because it highlights the dangers of digital media. The topic warns against overreliance on the internet and social media. It encourages users to learn how to use digital media effectively to avoid any distraction t...
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