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Descriptive Statistics in Quantitative Study

Essay Instructions:

*Area of interest - Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Laws in Pharmaceutical Industry Are in the Continuous State of Evolution in Emerging Markets.

Peer-reviewed, data-based article example (you can use this as a reference):

Motari, M., Nikiema, J. B., Kasilo, O. M., Kniazkov, S., Loua, A., Sougou, A., & Tumusiime, P. (2021). The role of intellectual property rights on access to medicines in the WHO African region: 25 years after the TRIPS agreement. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-19. Retrieved from Proquest one academic database in the TUW library. https://bmcpublichealth(dot)biomedcentral(dot)com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-10374-y

ATTACHED ARE "Case assignment instructions", "week 1-4 discussions (Please use these in writing the paper)', "paper writing guidelines by the professor", and other supporting attachments.

write a 5 - 8 page paper (report) that integrates underlying theories and concepts learned from week 1- week 4 discussions. Please Do not merely respond to the statements below as if you are step-by-step checking the box. Develop, synthesize, and integrate concepts in a comprehensive clear manner to the reader. Review your previous discussion threads (week 1 - week 4) to recap what you have succinctly written.

In 5-8 pages, provide the section headings as illustrated below and address the following:
A. SUMMARY: Summarize the article very briefly (no more than 1 page)

B. DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS: Discuss the raw data presentation and discuss the descriptive statistics used to present the data – be sure to include both averages and distributions.

(1) Were these appropriate averaging techniques and examinations of the distribution?

(2) Could other types of averages or distributions have been used?

C. SCALES OF MEASUREMENT: Discuss the scales of measurement and the methodologies used.

(1) Were these appropriate scales and methodologies?

(2) Could other types of scaling have been used?

D. VISUAL PRESENTATION: For the visual presentations of raw data or averages, are there biases in the presentation.

(1) What conclusions do you draw simply by looking at the visual data presentation?

(2) How could the presentation be altered to adjust those conclusions?
Writing Guidelines: - • Running head and pagination. • The length of this paper should be between 5-8 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page and Appendices page). • APA style formatting (7th edition), double spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. • The paper must have an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/Statement of purpose (including THESIS statement), INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs. • Please include TITLE PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE, REFERENCE PAGE, and any APPENDICES. • Please submit in a word document and NOT pdf version. • Please use HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS to organize your paper. • Use at least 10 academic, peer-reviewed, library trade publications, scholarly or professional practitioner sources, and minimum 36 in-text CITATIONS. • You must cite and reference all texts used, including page numbers as applicable to avoid plagiarism. • Please provide verifiable links/web address for each academic reference used. • Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. • Write your paper in an integrated fashion, weaving theory and application. In other words, do not merely respond to each bullet above as a checklist.

Professor’s Additional instructions – Please: - Use third person in writing. - Do not use quotes. - Use APA formatting (7TH Edition) of references and in text citations is required. - the following resources are NOT ACCEPTABLE as citations for this paper: • Wikipedia.com • Ehow.com • Dictionary.com • About.com • Smallbusiness.chron.com • Diffen.com • Yourbusiness.azcentral.com • Tjmarino.com • Investopedia.com • Boundless.com and Lumen • CourseHero.com • Chegg.com • Difference between • Answers.com • Any student essay website

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Descriptive Statistics in Quantitative Study
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Descriptive Statistics in Quantitative Study
Descriptive statistics are essential in quantitative research studies as they allow the researcher to summarize a data set and present it in a single value. The types of descriptive data include measures of central tendency such as mode, median, or mean, as well as measures of central tendency such as range and standard deviation. The type of descriptive statistics used by a researcher depends upon the scales of measurement used to collect data. In this paper, a quantitative study by Son (2019) is analyzed to explore the scales of measurement used and the presentation of descriptive statistics.
In the article “Importance of the intellectual property system in attempting compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals: a cross-sectional analysis,” Son (2019) investigates the relationship between the efforts to provide compulsory pharmaceutical licensing and the intellectual property system. The study was informed by the close relationship that exists between a patent system and compulsory licensing in the sense that the author reckons compulsory licensing is an indispensable feature of a functioning patent system (Son, 2019, p.2). The researcher collected data from 139 countries between 1995 and 2014 and examined the use of attempted compulsory licensing of pharmaceuticals. A multivariate logistic model was used to analyze the data collected from various reliable sources.
The researchers found that attempting compulsory licensing was an important variable for the maturity of an intellectual property system. Notably, the findings are not in line with the current view that compulsory licensing usurp the existing patent system. Son (2019) notes that the data revealed that compulsory licensing can complement efforts intended to increase access to medicines in a country. Compulsory licensing ensures that patients who need to utilize a certain medication continuously can access the medicine from licensed local manufacturers (Son, 2019, p.6). While rare, the findings also found that compulsory licensing facilitates the manufacture and export of patented pharmaceuticals under the TRIPS Agreement. Thus, Son's (2019) article reiterates the importance of compulsory licensing to the maturity of a patent system in a country.
Descriptive Statistics
Clippinger (2017, pp. 62-70) reiterates that descriptive statistics are mainly used to offer broad characteristics of a given dataset following the combination of single values in the data from an observational approach. In his article, Son (2019, p. 4) uses both averages and distributions to present the descriptive statistics of the analyzed data. Distributions are mainly used to create two groups that are used in the model. The 139 countries whose data was collected are divided into either those who attempted the use of compulsory licensing or those who did not attempt it. Distribution statistics were used to show that 24 countries had attempted compulsory licensing, and 115 had not. In addition, distribution data is used to offer a description of the countries across four regions; Africa, Asia, Latin America, and others. Son (2019, p.4) also uses distribution to describe the political systems adopted by the various countries under study. 
Averages are also an essential part of the descriptive statistics provided by Son (2019) in his article. The number of times that countries attempted to use compulsory licensing is presented in terms of averages and variability. According to Son (2019, p. 4), the number of compulsory attempts made by the countries ranged from 1 to 16, while the mean, median, and mode of the compulsory attempts were 3.9, 3, and 1 respectively. Notably, the range is a descriptive measure that is used to convey the level of variability in raw data. On the other hand, the mean, median, and modes are measures of central tendency. Further, the averages are used to describe the population, income, and the PIPP index. 
Evidently, the researchers used the most appropriate averaging techniques for the current study. The use of variability and central tendency allowed the grouping of the raw data collected from various sources to provide a reader with an idea of how the data trends. As opposed to a report that detailed only the means of the collected data, Son (2019, p. 4) proceeds to use median and mode when describing the number of compulsory attempts. With the use of variability on the same variable, the reader can grasp how frequently countries attempted to use compulsory licensing. In the same vein, the examination of the distribution is appropriate as it allows the reader to group the countries into two key groups and examine the individual characteristics of the grouped countries. The use of distribution allows the reader to understand the distribution of countries across regions as well as the political systems that they use. 
Notably, the researchers could have used standard deviation. Standard deviation is an essential measure of variability that helps one to understand the extent to which the means vary in combined single values (Epstein, 2020, p. 1). Given that the values range...
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