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Conflicts and Decision Making Process Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Describe how you would handle the decision making process in the following scenario: You and a close family member have decided to open your own retail clothing store. You have equal investment risk, but different skill sets that bring a well-rounded approach to the overall business strategy. Critical business decisions must be made and as with any business there are times when partners do not agree. Write a paper describing the business decision making process and how conflicts would be resolved for launching a controversial line of clothes. Your paper should include the following:
What is the decision making process normally used by you and family member? 
Is there one person responsible for the new line of clothes or accessories due to their experience and skill set, or are decisions mutually agreed upon? 
Describe how the conflict would be resolved with you wanting to launch the clothing line, while your business partner does not. 
How would the decision-making process help resolve this conflict? 
Consider the special challenge of working to make a company decision with family involvement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Decision Making Process
Decision-Making Process
Our family is structured, and each member is accorded authority by the position he occupies in the family tree. In many occasions, the decision is madeby the authority the member has in the family. Age also accords authority in our family structure. Older family members make decisions on behalf of the younger and those higher in the family tree make decisions on behalf or for those members lower in the family tree.
In our business, no one is accorded the sole responsibility of making decisions on new lines of clothes or accessories. We are all entrepreneurs, and no one has prior experience in running clothes business. The investment risk is equal and therefore we should have equal say over the affairs of the business. The business was set up to fill a gap in the market albeit the fact that we all never had prior experience running clothes business. Therefore, the responsibility of making major decisions like of having a new line of clothes or accessories is not bestowed on any of us but subject to a decision-making process.
If my partner does not subscribe to my idea of launching a new clothing line, I would recommend we convene a meeting to discuss the issue. We also invite an expert in the clothing business. Before the meeting, each one of us should conduct his/her research on the necessity of opening a new clothing line. The research should capture all but not limited to the aspects for evaluating the viability of launching a new clothing line or accessories to our business. During the meeting, we all brainstorm and evaluate the findings of each one of us under the guidance of the expert to...
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