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Overview of the Problem: Should there be a Change in Taxes?

Essay Instructions:

I only need 2 pages the first page will be the same from my prior paper that was ordered 00045265 the topic was Should there be a Change in Taxes? this is just building to the paper
Assignment 3: Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists 
Due Week 5 and worth 150 points 
Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion). 
Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (Revised from Assignment 2)
Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
Explain the first problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
Explain the second problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.). and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
Explain the third problem (economic, social, political, environmental, complexity, inequity, ethical/moral, etc.) and provide support for your claims. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
Provide a concluding paragraph that summarizes the stated problems and promises a solution. 
Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences throughout the paper.
Support claims with at least three (3) quality, relevant references. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Should there be a Change in Taxes?
[Student’s name]
Business and Marketing
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Should There be a Change in Taxes?
The content of this paper will elaborate if there needs to be a change in taxes for people who are earning $250,000 or more in a year. The topic was chosen because it needs to be determined and people who earn in that figure should fear the law that obliges them to pay higher tax.
In relation to the federal income tax code, this is a more complicated scenario than what people think. One thing is that the tax cuts of George W. Bush are a lot more. The rule also impacts the way dividend income gets taxed, capital gains, and various exemption limitations for bigger income taxpayers (Kasprak, 2012). Derived from this fact, this paper is directed towards the married taxpayers and the singles who earn $200,000 annually (Sahadi, 2015).
On the other hand, tax cuts also have its advantages and citizens need to be aware of this. Since it is a free country, the money goes to the people who work hard for it. The basic reason for cutting taxes is that wealth does not happen overnight, a person have to produce it. The ones who make money have the right to it.
An advantage is that private individuals learn to use money in a more efficient and effective manner compared to the government. People who can earn on their own may spend or invest it wisely. Money will be handled better by people using their own hands compared to how the government will. In the aspect of medical care, while people are already disciplined, people have their own business can enjoy deductions to help decrease tax liability. On a normal scale, employers will pay a certain percentage of the health care costs that are incurred. Having lower taxes are the only reason behind the increasing size and coverage of the federal government. If in case there is a need for a smaller government, the best thing to do is to decrease the amount of money Congress can play with. The republicans win when they decrease taxes and the cut can be a way unite the Republican base. The consumers of taxes in the society are organized, so the taxpayers have to be organized as well. Running their own business can have a lot of costs. Business operations from their own homes might lead to higher utility bills. If they decide to operate on another location, there will be other costs.
The December 2004 article found in Celtia.info, which is a magazine publication in Celtic countries, these tax cuts have revealed good results found in other countries also. The recent tax cuts in Ireland that are said to have improvements in living standards. For years, the Irish were given high unemployment, large taxes and budget deficits. During 1986, Ireland experienced fiscal crisis. After the reduction of government spending, the government lessened taxes on individuals and companies. This is an advantage of tax cuts even in other countries.
Another scope of this paper will talk about the average citizens who do not earn $250,000 a year because they see it as unattainable, even if it is substantial to run a household. Everything actually boils down to the cost of living (Leo, 2012). This gives a better idea to those who are wondering how much is needed to live comfortably in the USA. A poll done by the New York Times gathered that 20% of Americans consider the households that earn $200,000-$300,000 to be rich (Kane, 2012). The reality is that it is not really an easy street for these families, especially when they have to pay for higher taxes (Hube, 2010).
There are positive things about earning $250,000 and one of them is that high-income professionals are given free trade for everyone else. This means that economists constantly give importance to free trade. The opening up of markets through treaties similar to NAFTA and CAFTA leads to a lot of consumer goods that people will enjoy. Although, these rules increasingly expose the workforce of America to compete in other parts of the world, speeding up the middle-class job decimations.
When the people who earn $250,000 want to buy a new house have the benefit of enjoying deducted interest on their mortgage that come from loans they bought, built, or improved which came straight from their earning. The drawback of this is that since the rich have a higher mortgage and income tax, they are able to get the maximum of the deductions fr...
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