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Customer Support Problems at Lufthansa Airlines

Essay Instructions:


This assignment builds on the pre-assignment and the entire course journey, focusing this time on a particular organization you select and assisting by associating your learning from the course to develop your design thinking and innovation capabilities. The organization can be for-profit, non-profit, or a government agency located anywhere in the world, as long as you prepare for this assignment thoroughly, with the support of relevant literature and external sources, and preferably interviewing someone from the company.

The purpose of the assignment is to associate your newly captured insights with an organization of your choice. Choose an organization you are passionate about that could do with your expertise. Consider this an excellent opportunity to reflect and advise the chosen organization in growing its design thinking and innovation capacity in times of considerable uncertainty.


Please complete the following tasks:

Review your pre-assignment, all course materials, and assignment-related materials one more time.

Explore and decide on a target organization you are excited about and want to advise.

Make a deep dive market research based on published materials, observation, and personal email or live interviews to scope a significant problem worth solving in the organization context.

The problem could relate to something the organization could do significantly better.

Based on research findings, proceed to design a novel and intriguing solution by applying design and business thinking described in the course and other materials covered.

Write all this in an executive-level advisory report, which your target company can use as a base for action in their next leadership meeting.

Remember to reference actively written and interviewed sources.


Cover with heading and name, max 6-pages of pure text with page numbering and subheadings as requested: professional document with APA references, unlimited number of complete appendices including relevant and readable tables, graphs, images, etc. Font 12, 1.0 spacing, and standard margins.

Note: executives are busy people who crave evidence to make sound decisions, so ensure you stick to the core, reference, and if you need more pages, refer to relevant appendices in the main text.

Before starting this assignment, check the rubric for what determines a quality contribution.

You are expected to submit a detailed description of your problem-solution set for the chosen organization by referring actively to relevant sources to strengthen your problem argument and then responding to the following critical areas of importance (use these headings):

Introduction and Problem Statement: Introduce the paper by leading the reading to the theme, the problem, and critical findings, along with a brief document flow overview. Remember to introduce your chosen organization briefly and any key stakeholders you plan to advise as an outcome.

Market Research: Identify and define the problem area based on your research findings regarding currency, relevancy, and societal and business significance (actively referenced, both academically and professionally).

Associate to course learnings: Apply the skill of associating as described in the course materials by identifying critical insights from the course and your individual and small group work. Discuss these essential insights and use them as inspiration when describing how they can help develop a solution to the organization's current problem. As you may recall, associating is the idea that you borrow ideas from one area and then use them as inspiration in another.

The Problem-Solution Fit: Describe your solution and provide evidence to the extent possible that it solves the problem as defined in this paper.

Concluding Discussion: Conclude by arguing, based on your newly gathered research and analyzed intelligence, why solving this problem is worthwhile, especially from a business and data collection perspective. Why is it novel and fresh, despite potential competition / alternative solutions? Finally, list concrete actions for your client to proceed and succeed in building a state-of-the-art solution.

Personal Reflection: Discuss critical findings from this assignment and the course at large for yourself; what was most valuable learning? Discuss how you enhanced your knowledge throughout the course.

Reference List


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Customer Support Problems at Lufthansa Airlines
Students Name
University Affiliation
Introduction and Problem Statement
Overview of Lufthansa Airlines
Lufthansa Airlines is the largest airline in Europe. Up until 1994, ownership of the business was held by the European Union government. The company's main office is in Cologne, and Frankfurt Airport serves as a vital operational hub. The airline has the largest fleet, with an estimated 600 aircraft in its fleet. The Lufthansa airline group does its business all over the world. The Lufthansa Group had 110,065 people and had EUR 13,589 million in sales in 2020 (Group, 2021). Following the pandemic's onset and the resulting travel restrictions, the firm has seen a decline in demand. Nonetheless, Lufthansa Group was forced to publish an adjusted EBIT of -5.5 billion euros.
Poor customer service has been the company's main issue for years. As a result, demand for the airline has been low, earnings have been low, and the company's economic viability is deteriorating to the point that it may soon have to close. To guarantee that client inquiries are addressed properly, the airline's corporate executive has to address the issue of bad customer service. Promptly and with courtesy. When a business satisfies its customers' expectations, it is considered to be providing good customer service. Because it gives them a positive customer experience, good customer service helps to reduce their dissatisfaction. Since customer satisfaction is the cornerstone of any company's success, every corporation seeking to develop its market must always work to provide excellent customer service. Organizations must manage and empower their employees to provide them with the necessary training, resources, and tools to deliver exceptional customer service. One business that still needs to achieve this is Lufthansa Airlines, which is now dealing with angry consumers who continuously criticize the firm's poor customer service. Therefore, this report is essential in offering the company's management potential fixes for the issue.
Market Research
According to the airline's social media reports, a lot of unhappy consumers have chosen to voice their disappointed opinions on the business's social pages. Recently, the company's employees have also started striking, which is all due to the company's poor performance (Bhasin, 2017). The effects of bad customer service are to blame for this subpar performance. Because fewer people use airlines nowadays, the company suffers financially and cannot pay its employees, resulting in ongoing strikes. Therefore, this demonstrates that addressing the present issue will have a bigger commercial impact since consumers will be happier and more loyal, and the firm will profit more over the long term. Strikes will be avoided because the company can support itself financially.
It is crucial that the firm leaders take into account some of the shortcomings in the present customer service team and department to address the issue of bad customer service effectively. The company's leaders should make an investment in a system that offers the following services going forward.
Individualized Email Response and Quick Resolution
The majority of airline customers who contacted customer care received a generic email that did not address the main points of their complaints. Automated responses "suggest to clients that they are not worthy of your attention," according to Xu et al. (2019). Because of this, they will assume that the firm has more important things on its mind than its issue due to the absence of a tailored reaction. In response, Lufthansa's customer service staff should craft their email answer to recognize the particular issues the customer gave instead of sending the client a general auto-reply to the email complaint. The customer's complaint should have been emphasized, and soothing language like "our team is already actively working to remedy the problem" should have been included. I will let you know as soon as it is corrected. This is to inform the client that a follow-up is anticipated. Along with the badly written auto-reply email, most consumers have found Lufthansa's response and resolution times troublesome.
Suitable Customer Redirection
Customers dislike being sent to another party, whether it is the person or department in charge of the circumstance. The customer service staff at Lufthansa has repeatedly been redirected, demonstrating that they need help addressing the client's concern. Xu et al., (2019) advises against redirecting the client until its necessary since the sense of being handed from one person to another irritates the consumer. Customers will be happy if you take the time to look into the best solution to their problems rather than just handing them off to someone else.
Quick and Direct Resolution
In the instance of Lufthansa, they often make empty promises rather than addressing the complaint immediately. They typically tell the complainants: "We will get back to you as soon as we can with an answer to your question, or if a decision has been made today regarding your case, you will hear from us shortl...
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