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Organizational Behavior: Badaly Engineering PLLC

Essay Instructions:

Client's company: Badaly Engineering PLLC
In order to effectively analyze various behavioral components within an organization, the following suggestions are provided for guidance:

Critique the observable actions of individuals within the organization.

Describe demonstrated attitudes exhibited by individuals within the organization.

How do groups interact with each other both from an internal and external standpoint?

How well does the organization function from a performance standpoint? Is synergy and cohesiveness apparent?

*****In this assignment, you will analyze the organizational behavior of your current or former employer by describing how each of the components listed below influences the behavior of the organization in a negative or positive manner. Note: The names can be changed to protect the “guilty.” If you have no current or prior work environment use any group with which you were connected. Make sure you fully delineate the nature of that group for my understanding.

Analyze the organizational behavior by describing the following areas:

Type of culture

Modes of communication (Describe the dominant communication form used . e.g.written or verbal)

Nature of authority (recognized social rank)

Motivational techniques (Describe the motivational driving forces e.g. Intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance?)

Areas of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence)

How are the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces new paradigms such as teleworking and virtual offices…or any change process)

Use The Basic Social System Conceptual Scheme to fully analyze your organization

Be sure to provide examples of each item.


1. Must be five-eight double-spaced pages in length, and formatted per APA style

2. Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

3. Must document all sources if used in APA style.

Current/former Employer : Badaly Engineering PLLC

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Behavior
Student’s Name
Course Name and Number
Lecturer’ Name
Due Date
Type of Culture
Organizational culture refers to the underlying values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices that guide and inform employee actions (Nukić, 2018). It is the company's personality, and it plays a significant role in the employees’ satisfaction. An excellent culture demonstrates positive attributes that result in improved performance, whereas a dysfunctional organizational culture exemplifies traits that can hinder company growth (Pathiranage, 2019). Different types of organizational culture that significantly impact a company include clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market cultures (Nukić, 2018). Every company has a unique culture that helps shape its operations and gives it a competitive advantage. Badaly Engineering PLLC, a civil engineering firm offering full-service architectural and engineering services in New York and the lower Westchester region, has a clan culture.
The clan culture is a type of organizational culture that establishes a friendly environment for stakeholders (Nukić, 2018). It focuses on teamwork and employee-involvement, and commitment. Companies that value this culture treat their customers as partners and employees as a family (Pathiranage, 2019). Badaly Engineering PLLC values team building, participation, and consensus. Its employees work in a collaborative environment where they communicate openly to establish a friendly atmosphere. They share similar values and goals, enabling them to enjoy a tranquil working environment. The company’s leaders are hugely respected and are often seen as mentors or father figures. These leaders drive teamwork, employee participation, and empowerment (Pathiranage, 2019). Badaly Engineering PLLC also emphasizes long-term human resource development and bonds workers with morals. It defines success as responding to clients' needs and caring for the people.
The clan culture adopted by Badaly Engineering PLLC influences the organization's behavior positively. With an emphasis on employee well-being, clan culture fosters nurturing environments where individuals are mentored and motivated to grow (Nukić, 2018). It improves employees' satisfaction by making them feel valued through involvement in every organizational activity. A happy team strengthens company productivity and growth. Prioritizing employees’ needs boosts staff morale within the workplace (Pathiranage, 2019). It also promotes creativity by motivating teams to share ideas and opinions. Creative teams increase Badaly’s performance, enabling the company to design new mid-rise apartment buildings.
Modes of Communication
The modes of communication commonly used at Badaly Engineering PLLC are verbal and visual communication. Verbal communication entails spoken words to share information with colleagues and groups (Lee & Kim, 2018). Company leaders prefer this communication mode because it provides clear information and expectations needed to drive excellent work. Through verbal communication, there is less chance of misunderstanding and misinformation because it involves face-to-face communication. At Badaly Engineering PLLC, workers are encouraged to improve their verbal communication skills. Research shows that these skills are essential for presenting designs and concepts and are critical to engineering (Lee & Kim, 2018). Engineers who communicate clearly can confidently present their ideas in meetings and presentations.
Badaly Engineering PLLC also uses visual communication occasionally, especially when verbal communication is difficult due to noise or when company engineers are slow to understand technical concepts theoretically. The machines used in the company are so loud that employees have to wear ear muffs or ear plugs. Due to this condition, workers must shout to hear what they say. In such conditions, leaders and employees communicate through visual elements such as signs, drawings, illustrations, graphic design, and typography (Lee & Kim, 2018). It is worth noting that engineering requires more practical work than theoretical work.
At Badaly Engineering PLLC, offering architectural and engineering services requires visual elements. For instance, some clients seeking architectural services often require the engineer to demonstrate the service through drawing. This shows that visual communication is as important as verbal communication at At Badaly Engineering PLLC. The company, therefore, employs the two modes in its daily operation. These modes of communication build a positive relationship between the company and the clients. They establish trust and promote customer loyalty, which, in turn, boosts the firm's profitability.
Nature of Authority
Badaly Engineering PLLC has a hierarchical structure: - a chain of command that begins with senior management and executives and extends to lower subordinates. This nature of authority helps the company make efficient decisions. Although leaders are democratic due to the organization’s clan culture, authority regarding any business operation is top-down. That means that c...
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