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Organizational Culture And Achievement Of The Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Describe the Organizational Culture at a school you attended or a place where you worked. Be certain to include ALL factors that explain the culture.
(I want school)
Assignment Requirements
This assignment must be an original work, developed from your own experiences and supported from identified sources. It is required to identify any source information, either from the your research or assigned course materials, using the APA format. Your completed work should meet the following requirements:
12-point Times New Roman Font, or similar
double-spaced with 1" margins
APA reference page

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Culture
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Organization culture
Organizational culture is an important aspect in every organization since it determines how good the members can perform. Organizations have their own culture that enables them to keep up with competition from other organizations as well as ensuring the achievement of the organizations set goals. In the case of school culture, organizational culture is the guiding beliefs and values evident in the way the school operates (Modaff, DeWine & Butler, 2011). It is reflected in the day to day operations ranging from how the teachers interact with students to the manner in which students perform in their academics. School culture can be used to control or manage all the attitudes, expected behaviors and values that impact how the school runs its activities. Hence, organizational culture is the behavior, beliefs and characteristics of a particular social, ethnic or age group and cuts across all works of life. A good example is the culture that was nurtured in the high school that I attended
Students from different backgrounds and with different up bringing meet in schools for the purpose of attaining education and having good grades. In order to attain the good grades, they have to work as a team and follow the school culture. At first the high school was doing badly and all the grades were falling drastically until a new school culture was put in place. The new culture eliminated the reluctance that was being displayed by the students in terms of class work. The schools operations became more effective and efficient in that students understood more and the relationship between teachers and students improved to a point whereby they would interact freely hence creating a good environment for learning. As well, other outside class activities such as games and club participation displayed a notable improvement through the winning of trophies.
Time keeping, being a major problem in that school was among the things that needed change according to the new culture. The time observation rule was introduced and this ensured that all the teachers observed time from when the lessons started to when they were supposed to end. Class attendance register was introduced for both the teachers and the students. As a result, this ensured that all the lessons were accounted for and that all students and teachers were present at all the time during school hours. This reduced the issue of absenteeism. Sinc...
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