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Video Case Assignment 5: Reba Jones and Jeannie Smithers

Essay Instructions:

To access the case study, go to McGraw Hill Connect (note you will need to launch McGraw-Hill Campus in a new window).
Select "Connect" to the BUS 641 Resources.
Click on the "Library" tab.
Then click "Student Resources." You will then be taken to the McGraw Hill Student Resource Site.
In the left column, select "You Be the Judge." This will bring you to a list of video case studies for the course.
Click on Case Study #5 to get started on this week's exercise. When you are finished, click "Print."
In your printer settings, select "print the page to PDF" for submission.
Additional Instructions are available in print form here.
In addition to the PDF, complete the following:
IRAC Analysis (1-2 pages, described below)
Include your reaction to the case and whether you believe the judge came to the correct conclusion.
Are there any missing facts which would help sway someone to your position?
IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Analysis, Conclusion, and it's a method for organizing legal analysis so that the reader can follow your argument. A sample of a completed IRAC AnalysisPreview the documentView in a new window has been provided for additional support.
For the assigned video case studies, you are to complete a 2-3 page IRAC analysis for each video. An IRAC analysis includes four specific topics and your paper should include these four separate sections: Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion. Your paper should also have a Reaction section after your conclusion that discusses your reaction to the judge's ruling and to the case.
If the video case study is a case where the defendant is being charged with murder:
Issue: Did the defendant commit the crime of murder or the lesser crime of manslaughter?
Rule: The defendant is guilty of the crime of murder if he did x, y, and z. If the defendant did not do x, y, and z, he may be guilty of the lesser crime of manslaughter . The defendant is guilty of manslaughter if he did a, b, and c.
Analysis: This section should have three sections on the following topics: factual setting, caselaw presented (with case citations), and a section that applies the law to the facts of the case. Each section should be at least a paragraph long.

Conclusion: This section should be a conclusion of your analysis and should consist of one or two paragraphs. Your conclusion can certainly be the same as the judge's, but you should explain your conclusion in detail.

You will then finish the IRAC analysis with your reaction to the legal scenario. This should be a fifth section as follows:

Reaction: This section should include two to three paragraphs regarding your reaction to the issues presented in the case study as well a detailed discussion of why you agree or disagree with the judge's actions and conclusions. You should also discuss how the case study applies to the business world and any topics covered in this course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Video Case 5
Issue: should the partnership between Reba Jones and Jeannie Smithers be dissolved or not, according to Reba, both parties had a verbal agreement and had a clear plan about the business and dissolving the partnership was not part of the agreement.
Rule: the judge ruled that the partnership should be dissolved because the situation is like marriage, you cannot force a partner to stay in a relationship when she does not want to. The judge argued that the artwork created during the partnership should remain the property of the partnership.
Analysis: the plaintiff claims that they had a verbal agreement with her best friend in college to form partnership because she knew that like most artist Jeannie had a weakness of not knowing how to promote their artwork, but she had the business skills to make the business viable. On the other hand, Jeanie felt as her partner was taking advantage of all her work, Jeannie believed that Reba did not put anything in the artwork. Reba felt that her partner had betrayed their partnership because with or without a written contract, a person's word is a contract.
Jeannie wanted the partnership to be dissolved because she felt like she was doing most of the work while her partner Reba felt cheated and taken advantage of. In her argument Reba felt that she is the one who discovered the viability of the business, she put more effort, time and money. For her, dissolving the business was not a part of the agreement, especially when her partne...
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