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Create a Video Marketing Campaign Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Use the Internet to select a small company that sells products that would lend themselves to being demonstrated in “How To” videos. Next, imagine that the company has hired you to create the “How To” video for its Website. The company also asked you to generate a video marketing campaign in order to better introduce the products and increase business sales.
Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:
1.)Describe the company and its main products. Specify the main benefits of the products and why customers should prefer the products over the competition.
2.)Propose the main content of the “How To” series that you will create for the company. Provide a rationale for your response.
3.)Determine the main social media communities that the company is currently leveraging in terms of the followers within the target market. Next, suggest one (1) way in which you can increase online community involvement by encouraging submission of “How To” videos from the followers. Provide a rationale for your response.
4.)Determine the metrics that you would use to monitor the progress of the campaign. Provide a rationale for your response.
5.)Analyze the main pros and cons of developing online video as related to the effectiveness of marketing strategy for this company. Justify your response.
6.)Apply social media marketing skills and be creative with the formatting (e.g., font color, size, layout, etc.). Note: Make sure the font size is not larger than 18.
7.)Use at least three (3) quality academic resources. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Assess the benefits of online video sharing and photo sharing, determine how you can control user generated content, and analyze how to utilize them to develop an effective marketing strategy.
Determine the key elements of developing an effective social media marketing plan and choose questions to help evaluate a social media marketing plan.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in social media marketing.
Write clearly and concisely about social media marketing using proper writing mechanics.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Angela Diggs
February 27, 2017
Dr. Tracy Ellard
MKT 520 (Social Media Marketing)
Video Marketing Campaign
The main focus of this study is a growing San Francisco-based company named Airware. Airware is a startup company, which creates “navigation software aboard drones; software in tablets to automatically guide the aircraft and monitor it in flight; and cloud services to store and manage the information that drones gather” (Jansen, 2015, pg.2). Its CEO and founder Jonathan Downey innovated based on his experience as a pilot and created the company, which would later be awarded USA TODAY’s Small Business Innovators of the Year. Airware’s goal and innovation are simple, make real-time data analysis of workflow and business safer and more efficient through the utilization of air surveillance. Unlike other methods (both traditional and new) of data gathering and analysis, Airware provides “real-time” information from both physical data gathered through their drones and existing information coming from outside (e.g. cloud). Thus, the focus of this video campaign would be their platform and their drone systems.
Since Airware’s main aim is to provide faster and real-time data analysis using drones, the “How To” video that I would produce would be its practical applications in home use and inspection. The main reason for shifting the content’s focus towards everyday consumers and not big companies is because the company has already produced numerous videos, which are targeted towards real estate, mining, and telecommunications companies (Airware, pg. 1) Thus, by focusing on its practical usage for condominiums and multi-residential houses, I believe that a significant number of new markets could be tapped.
In the “How To” video, I would demonstrate how to use the drones in areas like utility, maintenance, and security. More specifically, this would be about how can drones be used in order to check pipes, fittings, roofs, and gutters that pose a lot of danger during inspection. By doing this, common maintenance problems that would otherwise take a whole day to inspect could be checked in a significantly less amount of time. Included in this video is a “How to use surveillance drones for security” in both residential and commercial areas. As the demand for better and more advance security systems and measures exist, these How to videos could potentially increase the number of clients, since the use Airware’s product offers the use of drones for regular security surveillance, probable threat mitigation, and ease of threat identification. When it comes to advertising strategies, Airware has created multiple media platforms in order to reach more audiences. Some of the main social media communities that Airware has currently tapped are those on Facebook, Twitter, and also YouTube. For Facebook, Airware has created a page where they could post updates for their products and its usage and practical applications....
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