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Covid-19 as an Economic Infection that Creates Significant Worries among Investors

Essay Instructions:

Pick 2 articles to analyze, please explain them in detail
Principal Theme of article One paragraph
Key Strategic Issue (s) Two-three paragraphs
Implications for Industry/sector/country Two-three paragraphs
Personal Commentary One-two paragraphs
The purpose of these learning activities is to teach you to read critically, develop a balanced view, and to be able to present your views in a concise manner. You must stay within these guidelines. Answers which exceed the noted page limit of 1.5 pages per article WILL NOT be marked and will receive a 0 grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Article 1: The new normal
Principle Theme
The central theme in the article is COVID-19's impact on making the world unpredictable. The article describes the pandemic as an economic infection that creates significant worries among the investors. Every investor must conduct their business with caution since no one understands unpredictability. The central theme is substantial and offers adequate economic knowledge post-COVID-19.
Key Strategic Issues
The main strategic issue is the technological shift. Shifts in different technologies are the major unpredictability that the article addresses. For instance, in the last 1.5 decades, the smartphone business was not common; however, almost every population in the world can access phones (The new normal, 2021). It shows that disasters such as COVID-19 and technological shifts can impact any business, and every company or industry must be ready for dynamism.
Another key strategic issue noted in the article is business relationships. COVID-19 pandemic is heavily linked to China due to its source. The pandemic has also impacted the business relationship between China and United States, which jeopardizes future business engagement (The new normal, 2021). Therefore, returning to a normal economic state is critical since every investor fears the unknown.
Implications for Industry /Sector/Country
Regardless of the adverse impacts of COVID-19, it has made the world so unpredictable that different industries must focus on different economic challenges that may emerge. Many investors did not consider unpredictable disasters in the past, allowing them to invest with caution. Therefore, despite the pandemic impacting the businesses and economies, it warns the investors to work on their economic weaknesses.
Secondly, the technology shifts such as smartphone industries imply business planning. It allows business investors and sectors to plan for their business and frameworks for possible world dynamism or inflation. It also determines the future of industries not oriented to digital transformation. The technology shifts show that no industry is immune to any dynamism, and the key solution is to embrace and adapt to economic and climate changes.
Personal Commentary
In my opinion, I strongly believe that the pandemics and technology shifts play a key role in firmly strengthening businesses in different industries and sectors. It is an opportunity for the investors to deal with the emerging business dynamics and exploit opportun...
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