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Research Contract Administration and Grievance Arbitration

Essay Instructions:

Instructions: You will complete an in-depth analysis of a current labor event in one of the following countries: China, Hong Kong, France, England/UK, Germany, or Mexico. 
• Pick a single specific topic of labor relations to evaluate, such as strikes, formation, impasse resolution, etc. 
• Pick one of the listed countries to investigate how the chosen labor relations topic is complied with or handled in that country. 
• Research the Internet for 3-5 reputable sources regarding how the issue in the comparison country is handled. 
• Reference the textbook and any chosen additional outside research sources as to how the chosen topic is handled in the United States.
• Prepare a comparison between the United States and the chosen alternate country regarding that aspect of labor relations; for instance, a comparison of how negotiation impasse in labor relations bargaining is handled in China compared to the United States
• Comparative graphs are encouraged.
• Your paper will be in APA style and in Microsoft Word (.doc or.docx) or rich text format (.rtf), and it will be 5-7 pages in length not including a title page or reference page and any graphics chosen. You must include references to articles or news events discussed as well as at least three additional references to include the text. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Contract Administration and Grievance Arbitration
In the U.K many of the strikes occur in the education sector, but also among the health workers and underground tube workers especially in London and the surrounding areas. There haven strikes in 2015 and 2016, with disputes arising out of concern about the working conditions and failure of the employers to keep promise about the collective bargaining agreements. The trade unions in the UK are stronger than the U.S and more organized when calling for industrial actions. In the case of striking tube workers their actions disrupt transportation in and around London.
The U.K government recognizes the right of workers to take industrial action when disputes arise between the employees and employers, but the trade unions should then inform employers and members about their intentions and include detail on when such industrial actions will take place. The union leaders of tube workers have consistently pointed out that they understand the inconveniencies associated with the strikes. However, the perception that the employee was unwilling to negotiate has created an impasse on whether the unions simply want more money or whether the employers see the need to improve the working conditions.
The changes in the political and economic environment since the 2008/ 2009 global financial downturn have highlighted the difficulties for employers when organizations downsize and cut costs. Additionally, there was concern that with the country’s ability to meet debt obligations had been downgraded (Gregory & Harary, 2012). One of the recent provisions adopted by the country is the employment Act of 202, which had dispute resolution terms that was then repealed in 2008 (Gregory & Harary, 2012). Additionally the call for deregulation under David Cameron’s government has also focused on alternative dispute resolution major policy initiatives. The administration’s has reaffirmed its commitment to the ADR option, with the legalisms associated with the 2002 Employment Act the last result in dispute resolutions (Gregory & Harary, 2012).
In the UK, taking industrial action is enshrined within legislations, with the strikes been considered legal if there and infringement on the legal framework or bettering the working conditions (Sinha, & Shekhar, 2013). Unions are allowed to ballot their members to take action, while there have been various proposals to repeal the trade union laws especially among the Conservatives (Tories). The London Underground network is a transport employer with some of the highest number of employees in the public sector. In most cases, there is an agreed time line about the strikes involving tube workers where there are binding provisions how negotiations are undertaken in various provisions.
Another feature common in the UK but absent in the US is the presence of employment courts in the form of Employment Tribunals (Sinha, & Shekhar, 2013). These courts are tasked with resolving claims associated with the statutory employment rights. A panel of persons mostly three and lay men decide the cases, with lay men normally having a background in labor relations including officials of trade unions (Sinha, & Shekhar, 2013). The lay men in turn contribute towards dispute resolution while applying their knowledge. In the case of the London underground tube workers these are contractual disputes, which are heard by civil courts a don not the tribunals. The affected companies can also be enjoined in industrial actions, when such cases are before a civil court. However, this is successful in the event that the trade unions fail to adhere to the procedural requirements.
Even though, the right to strike in both countries is recognized by legislations, employees in the UK public sector have more powerful trade unions who can organize strikes and other industrial actions. The NRLA, Section 7 contains provisions of the strike actions that are legally recognized and those that are unlawful (nlrb.gov, 2016). The strike can be lawful depends the purpose, object of strike, conduct of strike and timing, and the NRLB determines whether the issues are lawful matters. Unfair labor practices and economic strikes fall under strikes for the lawful objects, while economic strikes are associated with economic concessions including improved working conditions and higher wages. As such, assessing the legality of strikes in the US must take into account the purpose and timing of such actions as provided by th...
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