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Concepts and Issues Related to Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability

Essay Instructions:

ATTACHED ARE "Case assignment instructions", "week 1-4 discussions (you can use these in writing the paper)', and "paper writing guidelines by the professor".

In a 5-8 page paper (not counting cover page and reference pages), summarize the fundamental concepts and issues related to effective corporate governance and accountability. Based upon what you learned, you inform the CEO that you will assist but your report must include any issues involved with the Board of Directors as well. The CEO understands and you both agree that the report will be presented to the Board of Directors with your findings and recommendations.

Using terminology and concepts learned in modules 1-4, please address the following in your paper:

1. Identify and discuss the fundamental concepts of effective governance and accountability that are applicable to the aeronautical company.

2. Discuss some of the major governance theories that you think both the CEO Board should be cognizant of and discuss how these theories apply to the aeronautical company.

3. Highlight the opportunities/benefits that the company might receive for improving corporate governance and accountability.

4. Identify the likely challenges/barriers to effective organizational governance.

5. Elaborate on any other issues that you think the new CEO and Board should know prior to deciding if the company should devote resources to improving governance and accountability.

Writing Guidelines:

- Running head and pagination.

• The length of this paper should be between 5-8 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page and Appendices page).

• APA style formatting (7th edition), double spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font.

• The paper must have an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (including THESIS statement), INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs.


• Please submit in a word document and NOT pdf version.

• Please use HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS to organize your paper.

• Use at least 8 academic, library trade publications, scholarly or professional practitioner sources, and minimum 32 in-text CITATIONS are required.

• You must cite and reference all texts used, including page numbers as applicable to avoid plagiarism.

• Please provide verifiable links/web address for each academic reference used.

• Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes.

• Write your paper in an integrated fashion, weaving theory and application. In other words, do not merely respond to each bullet above as a checklist.

Professor’s Additional instructions – Case assignment


- Use third person in writing.

- Do not use quotes.

- Use APA formatting (7TH Edition) of references and in text citations is required.

- the following resources are NOT ACCEPTABLE as citations for this paper:

• Wikipedia.com

• Ehow.com

• Dictionary.com

• About.com

• Smallbusiness.chron.com

• Diffen.com

• Yourbusiness.azcentral.com

• Tjmarino.com

• Investopedia.com

• Boundless.com and Lumen

• CourseHero.com

• Chegg.com

• Difference between

• Answers.com

• Any student essay website

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Fundamental Concepts and Issues Related to Effective Corporate Governance and Accountability
Student's First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor's Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Executive Summary. 3 Introduction. 4 Fundamental Concepts of Effective Governance and Accountability. 4 Governance Theories. 5 Benefits of Improving Governance and Accountability. 7 Challenges to Effective Organizational Governance. 7 Recommendations on what is Necessary. 9 Conclusion. 10 References. 10
Executive Summary
The paper focuses on addressing the concept of corporate governance and accountability. The paper takes a systematic approach whereby subtopics are involved in addressing this concept. The paper provides an introductory paragraph that summarizes all the components included in the paper. The paper then provides all the fundamental concepts of effective governance and accountability. The discussed concepts are transparency, security, and accountability in this section. The governance theories are then discussed whereby their imperativeness to enhancing effective governance and accountability is included. The theories discussed in this section are the stewardship and stakeholder theories. The third aspect discussed is the benefit of improving governance and accountability. Some of the identified benefits include a boost of morale and creating investment opportunities. The challenges to effective organizational governance and recommendations on what should be considered are also discussed. Finally, the paper provides a conclusion that summarizes every aspect explained in the paper.
Good corporate management is a critical component in advancing the trustworthiness and productivity of an association. Poor company management can debilitate an organization's real aptitude, prompt monetary troubles, and at times can make long haul damage to an establishment's standing. The paper provides a detailed analysis of the fundamental concepts and issues related to effective corporate governance and leadership. The paper takes a systematic approach whereby it addresses the basic concepts, followed by the governance theories, the benefits of improving governance and accountability, the challenges to effective governance, and finally, recommendations on aspects that should be considered before devoting resources to improving governance and accountability.
1 Fundamental Concepts of Effective Governance and Accountability
The efficiency of an aeronautical company depends on its governance and accountability of responsibilities. Therefore the fundamental concepts of effective governance and accountability that apply to the aeronautical company include transparency, security, and accountability. In an aeronautical company, transparency is an essential part of corporate administration since it guarantees that an external spectator can check each organization's activities at some random time. This makes its cycles and exchanges irrefutable, so the organization can give an unambiguous response when an inquiry comes up about a stage (Cole et al., 2020). In any case, despite the fact that transparency is imperative to the entire organization, its presence is much more significant at the top, where techniques are arranged, and choices are made. Investors in the aeronautical company expect that the corporate Board is open about their activities given that without transparency, doubt will motivate shareholders to invest in other companies (Pearse-Trust, 2014).
It requires some investment than straightforwardness to build uprightness as an association. It similarly assumes liability, which can in likewise mean answerability or hazard. Financial backers are significantly fascinated by who will accept the shortcoming when something ends up being awful in one of the association's many cycles. Also, regardless, when everything goes faultlessly exactly as expected, understanding that someone will be regarded answerable for future debacles extends financial backers' conviction, which hence assembles their hankering to offer more. Therefore, in an aeronautical company that requires a lot of capital to sustain the flow of activities, accountability can be applicable because it helps in boosting the confidence of investors. The equipment involved in an aeronautical company is expensive, and for this reason, to ensure effective governance and accountability, security should be taken into consideration. An association is depended upon to make its cycles clear and its representatives capable while keeping its data secure from unapproved access (Pearse-Trust, 2014). Associations that experience security breaks, including the receptiveness of their client's information, quickly lose their authenticity. Therefore, the aeronautical company should include security in the priority objectives to advance its credibility.
2 Governance Theories
The primary governance theories that the CEO should be cognizant of and also which apply to the aeronautical company are the stakeholder theory and the stewardship theory. The CEO should be aware of the shareholder theory point of view because it expects that organization executives work hierarchical units in a methodology that matches the necessities of many business partners. Besides, the hypothesis hypothesizes that intensive corporate administration should identify successful use of assets, monetary imperatives for the business in serious portions of the overall industry, and the Board's responsibility to investors (Greenwood et al., 2018). The shareholder hypothesis guarantees that associations stay responsible to their partners.
The hypothesis is vital as it permits clients, laborers, banks, and providers to impact authoritative execution through their feedback straightforwardly. In any case, the shareholder hypothesis might trouble the firm since it furnishes the overall population with the capacity to portray corporate accomplishment (Abdullah et al., 2009). The aeronautical organization ought to incorporate partner hypothesis into its activities given that the methodology doesn't exclusively take care of the investors' requirements but also those of the clients, providers, and adjoining networks. The partner hypothesis advocates for corporate social obligation, and the organization commits a moral way of behaving. It implies that the aeronautical organization ought to take part in projects that advance manageability for the encompassing social orders.
The CEO should also be cognizant of the stewardship theory because it will play an imperative role in influencing the decisions made in the aeronautical company. As indicated by hypothesis Y, corporate supervisors' motivation doesn't depend upon the external examination of the Board yet instead on the chiefs' self-assurance (Chrisman, 2019). Per the stewardship speculation, the CEO can likewise function as the administrator of the Board. These positions' duality makes concordance between the financial backers, the leaders, and the Board. The stewardship theory acknowledges that supervisors are reliable and don't have any desire to over-indulge their notorieties. The methodology is reasonable for the aeronautical organization in light of the fact that both the stewards (leaders) and the proprietors (investors) share comparable targets. At the point when the organization's Board of Directors engages the leaders, it improv...
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