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Business Ethics: Whistle-Blowing and the Case of Ford Pinto

Essay Instructions:

Please select a topic from one of the ten (10) chapter topics from the textbook "Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality" ( I WILL UPLOAD THE PDF VERSION OF THE BOOK AS A FILE) and write a paper that explores the topic. You may also incorporate a relevant case study from the textbook that applies to your topic -- for the avoidance of doubt, please do not use the other case studies or readings from outside "Business Ethics: Readings and Case Studies in Corporate Morality" for your written assignment.

This written submission should demonstrate a careful, applied understanding of the assigned readings and course discussions, as well as some independent research into the subject area.

It is expected that the responses are clearly written and organised, concise, grammatically correct, analytically sound, and demonstrate a thorough, applied understanding of the reading assignments.

The purpose of the assignment is to see you applying ethics to business and to show your learning from the course in informing everyday business decisions. As we discussed, the world is not black and white, and most decisions you will make as business leaders will be “shades of grey” and involve balancing many competing considerations and parties, from shareholders to suppliers and from consumers to environmental and other ESG considerations. I want to see how you can use ethics to guide that decision making, alongside the law and company values.

You are to select your own topic/topic(s) from the main book that interests you and that you think presents material that can help you achieve the above. You can use a full chapter from the book and/or an article or series of articles from the book, as well as case studies from the book. In addition, it is recommended that you do some outside research to back up your paper and you can be guided by the bibliographies in the book or go wider for that. You should just avoid using the articles or the case studies we used for the course materials and the presentations.

Your paper should explore theory or concepts on Ethics and Business for your topic and then show how they apply to case studies from the book or from outside research. It is also recommended that you use either in text citations or footnotes/endnotes to cite materials used, including the main book.

Your paper should not be a literature review. I would like to see you develop and explain concepts and theories for ethics as they apply to business, demonstrating our course goal set out above.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name
Whistle-blowing is a key concept in business ethics that affects a firm’s major stakeholders, including customers, employees, the management, and shareholders. Whistle-blowing is extremely relevant in the modern business environment because employees have at their disposal many ways of exposing irresponsible practices in organizations. Unlike the past, employees today have the internet and social media through which they can report negligent practices in an organization and consequently bruise its reputation even in situations where the harms are preventable. In this regard, it is imperative for businesses to have in place a comprehensive code of conduct that governs how employees approach issues that may be deemed immoral. De George (2014) provides comprehensive coverage on whistle-blowing, including the kinds, the conditions that must be met for an employee to blow the whistle externally, and recommendations for companies and unions.
Types of Whistle-blowing
In his evaluation, De George (2014) differentiates four types of whistle-blowing. One type is internal whistle-blowing, which occurs when improper activities are reported to someone within a system or an organization. Personal whistle-blowing occurs when an employee reports potential or actual harm to self instead of the organization or other people (De George, 2014). Governmental whistle-blowing occurs when a government employee exposes illegal activities within a government bureaucracy. De George (2014) dedicates his focus to external whistle-blowing, which involves employees of profit-making organizations who, for moral reasons, expose products or procedures that threaten to cause serious harm to the public, employees, or consumers. The serious harm that the author talks about in this case could be financial harm or bodily harm. In a commentary of De George’s article, Hoffman and Schwartz (2014) add psychological harm, serious injustice, and serious infringement of basic moral rights. The case of Ford Pinto can be used to understand how external whistle-blowing can come into play as well as its morality.
The Case of Ford Pinto
When American cars were losing market share to Japanese imports in the late 1960s, the CEO of Ford Motor Company ordered the production of a new model, the Pinto, to meet the competition (De George, 2014). Although it usually took 43 months to design and produce a car, it only took 25 months for Pinto. The company’s engineers knew that testing rear-end impact was a standard procedure, but it was not conducted before production. The car failed the post-production test as it had the possibility of bursting into flames when hit from the back by a car speeding at above 20 MPH. The company determined that the cost of fixing the problem would be more than the cost it would incur in suits and fines resulting from related injuries and deaths. It decided against fixing the problem. Against its expectations, the resulting fines it had to pay exceeded the cost it would have incurred in fixing the issue.
Moral Permissibility
A major issue about whistle-blowing that De George (2014) covers well is its moral permissibility. In his article, De George (2014) tries to find a middle ground between two extremes: that whistle-blowing should be morally prohibited and that employees are always morally allowed to blow the whistle because of the right to free speech. It is quite interesting that the more widely held view is that whistle-blowing should be morally prohibited. As noted by De George (2014), most employees and managers believe that whistle-blowing is wrong. In most cases, the whistle-blower is ostracized and branded a traitor. This shows that a person would not consider exposing illegal or immoral practices in a company to a great extent because that action is frowned upon. This explains why whistle-blowers are rarely considered heroes, even though their actions may have saved others from harm. The view that employees should never be allowed to blow the whistle is rejected because either it is inconceivable in a democratic society or absolute loyalty towards an organization is nonexistent (Hoffman & Schwartz, 2014). The other extreme that De George (2014) talks about is that whistle-blowing should ...
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