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The Concept of Involvement Within Consumer Behavior Theory

Essay Instructions:

at least 15 reference (include minimum of 5 academic references, at least 3 need to be journal articles.)

This individual assignment aims to deepen your conceptual understanding of consumer behaviour. It involves writing an essay about the merits of theories, where you will integrate theoretical ideas, illustrate with examples, and then apply your knowledge by developing a relevant advertisement. The Learning Objectives: a) to gain experience in developing a coherent argument taking into account the complexities of an issue within a consumption context b) to develop skills in integrating ideas across areas of the course c) to develop an ad using a creative execution which provides a contextually applied solution to a business issue d) to independently develop clear written communication skills The assignment is in two parts. It is outlined in two parts to make clear what is required and where you should place your emphasis. Part A: Essay (20%) Write an essay discussing the concept of involvement within consumer behaviour theory - discuss whether it remains a useful concept for marketers given today’s changing media environment. In your answer discuss how involvement is related to consumer learning. Your explanation should include a discussion of operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and cognitive learning theories. Although this is an essay on involvement and learning, the integration of other relevant consumer behaviour theories should also be included to inform your answer. Please use the concepts of memory and attitude change to connect to your discussion. Illustrate your main points by providing marketing examples. Part B: Design an Ad (9%) Design an original advertisement for any brand (e.g. product/ service / social cause) that you are familiar with that is designed to change an attitude for consumers with a particular involvement level (High vs Low). You must state a marketing aim for yourad to frame the problem. Write a brief paragraph (no more than half a page) discussing firstly, the aim of your ad; and secondly, justify through integrating theory why you think this ad will be effective for the level of involvement. Your advertisement may use visual or verbal cues, or both. This is not a test of artistic ability, but rather a test of your ability to apply your understanding of involvement. You may hand draw or use existing pictures/images. However, your ad must be original – do NOT copy an existing ad (even if it’s not from NZ!).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Consumer Behavior Theory
Consumer Behavior Theory
Part A. The Concept of Involvement within Consumer Behavior Theory
Consumer involvement is a psychological state that motivates consumers to identify with their consumption patterns, product or service offerings, and consumption behavior (Sahney, 2021). Involvement gives consumers the urge to think and look for various options about a product or service before making final decisions on purchase act and brand preferences. It includes the mental and physical effort that a consumer puts before purchasing a product or service. Customer involvement is significant to marketers because it develops a level of relevance of a product or service to a consumer. It results in the urge to interpret or collect necessary information for use and final decision making (Foxall, 2017).
Consumer involvement while making final purchase decisions tends to vary from one person to another or from one product or service to another and time at hand and purchase situations (Khan, 2020). Some consumers may be more involved than others during the purchase process. For example, a consumer with an aversive risk will take a long time to make the final purchase decision because they will need to analyze everything correctly to ensure certain risks do not arise from buying a particular product or service.
Involvement may also vary between product or service offerings. For example, products that are expensive and high in value, not frequently purchased, possess enough risks, action is irrevocable once purchased, and are likely to have high involvement. In contrast, products purchased regularly, have little risk, and are inexpensive may experience low involvement. Also, depending on emergencies and time constraints, a consumer may spend little time buying activity and purchase decisions despite the consumer being risk-aversive or dealing with a high involvement product.
Consumer involvement can be enduring or situational. Enduring involvement occurs when the involvement level of a product or service extends time in various situations (Sirgy, 2018). If the consumer spends time processing, collecting, and integrating information in his memory, they are interested in the product. Before a consumer purchases a particular product, they seek guidance and advice from a leader who may help them decide. These leaders have opinions of specific products. Situational involvement occurs when the arousal is focused on acquiring short-term relevance to a situation, object, or person (Sahney, 2021). It is temporary and for a specific situation.
Involvement and Consumer Learning.
Consumer learning involves consumers acquiring relevant consumption and purchase knowledge and experience of a specific product or service, and they may use this experience for future purchase behavior (Szmigin & Piacentini, 2018). Consumer learning is the foundation of consumer involvement because it motivates consumers to purchase products or services depending on the knowledge and experience the consumer had in the past. For example, suppose a student sees that a particular brand of headache tablets enabled him to get over the exam week without stress. In that case, they will likely purchase this brand of headache tablets in the next exam period. As more information is acquired, the process of consumer learning continues to change and evolve. Some aspects like motivation, response, cues, and reinforcement must be present for learning to occur.
The concept of consumer learning revolves around operant conditioning, classical conditioning, and cognitive learning theories. Operant conditioning, a learning approach, utilizes punishments and rewards for behavior. It is also known as instrumental conditioning. Operant conditioning makes a relation between a behavior and a consequence for the behavior. This concept enables a consumer use their experience in purchasing products or services and trying not to repeat the mistakes in future (Alhadeff, 2020). Operant conditioning makes a consumer predict the future consequences of buying a particular product or service. For example, a consumer may try out several styles and brands of jeans before finding the perfect one for his figure. Therefore, they will tend to buy the same brand and style of jeans that fits them best in the future.
Classical conditioning is learning that occurs when neutral stimuli relate to a stimulus and developing a behavior naturally. The neutral stimuli develop a behavior after the relationship has been learned. It involves learning through repetition. In classical conditioning, the marketer tries to get consumers to relate their product with a specific response or feeling, hoping to buy the product (Stephens, 2017). Classical conditioning learning occurs unconsciously. Consumers will then associate having fun and good feelings with the product or service, and they are more likely to purchase it. For example, neutral stimuli may include consumption of products, brands, and retail stores with stimuli like endorsers, celebrities, consumption models, and sports figures. The response would be patronage or purchases.
Cognitive learning theory involves complex information processing of the consumer's mental activiti...
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