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Components of Business Plan

Essay Instructions:

Business Plan - Part 2

Complete the following components of your business plan using the same idea you identified in your Business Plan - Part 1.

Implementation strategy

Description of your management team.

Your financial projections

For additional details on the structure and required contents for each section, refer to your textbook and the module lectures. You can also refer to the Small Business Administration site

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Being an Entrepreneur: EcoBuy Business Plan

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Implementation Strategy

The implementation process includes resource management, collaboration between departments, and facilitation control over implementing all business activities (Atanasova & Madgerova, 2021). The implementation strategy follows the following steps.

Step 1: Identifying the company's vision, goal, and values and aligning them to the business and employee’s goals. As a result, there is coordination and more cooperation among workers.

Step 2: Market research to find out the target audience, competitors, and the current trends are in the renewable energy sector. This information will assist subsequent decisions relating to product development, price tactics, and target market segmentation. With this knowledge about the market at hand, it is essential that EcoBuy set quantifiable long-term goals and objectives.

Step 3: Creating cross-functional teams dedicated to specific projects can maximize efficiency by bringing together diverse expertise from various areas, such as marketing professionals collaborating with engineers or designers working closely with supply chain specialists, improving problem-solving abilities, and promoting synergy throughout the organization.

Step 4: Establish clear lines of communication with staff and the suppliers, customers, and investors who will be crucial to the long-term success of EcoBuy Company.

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